What is everyone making/doing for Thanksgiving?

Jun 13, 2006
I know there are a few of us who like to cook so post your Thanksgiving recipes and plans.

I am hoping to make a homemade cranberry sauce as well as some pumpkin spice muffins with a cream cheese frosting and some mini pumpkin pies for the kids.

Ive never done cranberry sauce before so any tips are greatly appreciated.

Your turn
man...I can't wait for the food... yum

I'm going to try and make some deep fried wonton wrapped shrimp or some deep fried wontons with a shrimp filling.
last year I bit off Cheesecake's Avocado eggrolls...pretty good.

oh and here's a nice dipping sauce that's really easy to make:

take some sweet chilli sauce.
add some chopped cilantro
balsamic vinegar
and put in food processor.
blend and dip away.
You should just put your recipes in your sig, Dirty. I mean, you know you're going to get an onslaught of Dirtylicious' Delicious Mashed Potatorequests.
Me and the wifey are gonna bake some pies or cakes and then go over her Aunt's spot for dinner, which is cool cuz I've known most of her family for thepast 6 years. I just met her earlier this year. Digging your best friend's hot cousin FTGDW
I'm probably just going to help my mommy with the turkey, mac and cheese, and the corn. I don't feel likedoing much this year. She's probably not even going to let me do that, because she said she don't like how I season my food..."You don't putenough salt!"
I love that woman.

Fanatic, I do recall you saying you'd cook for me.
-Mac and Cheese
-Collard Greens
-Black Eyed Peas
-Sweet Potato and Apple Pies

More stuff I can't think of right now.
lol...no doubt Lazy. It's not like my recipe is ground breaking though.
Once I find it...I'll post it to this thread.

I might make my coconut flan too... haven't made it in a while.
^I wanna know some of those dips

Well since Lincey started drafting early...Hey mouse, if you're reading this... I'll make you a PB and J if you come to the G for thanksgiving!
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol...no doubt Lazy. It's not like my recipe is ground breaking though.
Once I find it...I'll post it to this thread.

I might make my coconut flan too... haven't made it in a while.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Can you fix me a plate?[/color]
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I might make my coconut flan too... haven't made it in a while.
The last flan I ate wasn't good at all...it was bland as hell, but for some reason coconut flansounds delicious.
Coconut isn't my cup of tea, but I'll happily take the recipe to impress my future in-laws.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I'm probably just going to help my mommy with the turkey, mac and cheese, and the corn. I don't feel like doing much this year. She's probably not even going to let me do that, because she said she don't like how I season my food..."You don't put enough salt!"
I love that woman.

Fanatic, I do recall you saying you'd cook for me.
I've probably promised that to more than one of you

I'll prob try Dirty's dip at some point. Sounds like it would be a good salad dressing as well to just add some EVOO!
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I'm probably just going to help my mommy with the turkey, mac and cheese, and the corn. I don't feel like doing much this year. She's probably not even going to let me do that, because she said she don't like how I season my food..."You don't put enough salt!"
I love that woman.

Fanatic, I do recall you saying you'd cook for me.
I've probably promised that to more than one of you

I'll prob try Dirty's dip at some point. Sounds like it would be a good salad dressing as well to just add some EVOO!
Somebody just OD'd on FAIL.
To start the day off, I'll sleep through the parade and probably wake up for the tail end of it. My mom, like always, will greet me with freshly bakedChocolate Chip Cookies.

From there, relax until it's time to leave to go to my relatives for dinner. The meal is the "norm", so no need to say it (although I hope thereis Sweet Potato Pie, and a lot of it). From there, play some 360 with the cousin (he got COD5, looking forward to playing it) and all that. Probably watch theTitans/Lions Seahawks/Cowboys game if I have time.
just the fiancee and me. we'll be staying in, doing the whole turkey dinner and whatnot
Originally Posted by Lazy B

-Mac and Cheese
-Collard Greens
-Black Eyed Peas
-Sweet Potato and Apple Pies

More stuff I can't think of right now.

All That And Some Gumbo
You was born looking like a simp. She just made more people realize it, that's all. You'll be OK Craig...
oh and I dislike real cranberries and stuffing/dressing. So its cranberry jelly in the shape of the can, and stovetop

We were going to do the turkey breast in the rotisserie but I dont think it's big enough
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Somebody just OD'd on FAIL.

Fanatic, did you really have to type that? Just made me look like a simp.

at "food shipping"
I'll make you a special plate...

Dignity restored


I'm also thinking of making an apple sausage cornbread dressing. I have so many ideas, so little time to execute!
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