What is everyone making/doing for Thanksgiving?

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

I'll make you a special plate...

Dignity restored
Aha! I knew there was something of worth in Texas besides the Longhorns.
Fanatic. if you want another good dipping sauce

1 cup Mayo
1/2 cup sour cream
1 T of chopped cilantro
1 can of chipotle peppers (with the sauce) -- I chop them up and take out the seeds but you can keep them in if you like
2 T of apple cider vinegar
1 T of balsamic vinegar
optional if you like it really spicy: Cayenne Pepper

puree in food processor...chill until ready to use.
great for fried foods.

note..not completely mine.. can't take credit for it, although I modified the original recipe.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

oh and I dislike real cranberries and stuffing/dressing. So its cranberry jelly in the shape of the can, and stovetop

We were going to do the turkey breast in the rotisserie but I dont think it's big enough

... you're lucky stovetop be fire as hell! And that canned cranberry sauce is mad addictive. I'll allow it...this time. I'm watching you thoughMs. Lady. You better start liking real dressing real soon... OR ELSE!
yuuuuck at real dressing. Ok, I'll eat it unless it has wack stuff in it like nuts and apples. ew
Originally Posted by Nawth21

yuuuuck at real dressing. Ok, I'll eat it unless it has wack stuff in it like nuts and apples. ew

Huh? Oh yeah...you're white. I forgot, my bad.
The main ingredient in dressing around THESE parts is cornbread
. I'd punch the !*+* outta mypops if I saw a damn apple in my dressing
working black friday at best buy then will do my best to get my hands on motorsports
cooking mac and cheese for job
cooking turkey, mac and cheese, greens, stuffing, cornbread, and dressing for just ill ol me
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

is anybody NOT eating turkey for Thanksgiving? I'm eating Brazilian BBQ this year

Duck. When my Mom has smaller thanksgivings she makes 2-3 roast ducks instead of making a turkey.
Originally Posted by Nawth21


oh and we're ordering pie.


..... what are we gonna do about you? You need less Baker's Square and more black friends or something.... no way would a brotha like myself let you getaway with ordering pie..pshh... I'd stand there and FORCE you to bake something. You don't have any "WoooHoo!" his a can?
pffffft, I don't bake. Shane was going to make the pie, but peanut butter french silk pie is easier ordered than made :tongue:

I am the least domestic chick I know. Ok, Ok I don't cook. But I clean, do laundry, and pay the bills
I can get away with not cooking, rightriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?!
It will be usual for me this year as well. Starts off with djing a party or 2 the night before Thanksgiving. Sleep in for a bit on Thanksgiving and then me& the fam get up and head to church for about an hour. Head back home to chill after for a minute and then we bounce to our relatives homes to eat andchill. I have to spin at a party later that evening as well.
hopefully makin it to the ATL. baby mothers fam down there.

whats sum real good strip joints/clubs i should peep? i dont feel like listenin to a dungeon fam cd right now to have to find out
Originally Posted by Nawth21

pffffft, I don't bake. Shane was going to make the pie, but peanut butter french silk pie is easier ordered than made :tongue:

I am the least domestic chick I know. Ok, Ok I don't cook. But I clean, do laundry, and pay the bills
I can get away with not cooking, right riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?!
Depends on how good the sex is, honestly.
The whole fam is making their special dish and we're going to meet up at the designated house and pig out... I'm responsible for bringing the ham..
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So its cranberry jelly in the shape of the can

My brother is addicted to this stuff

He'll eat it all day everyday if he could

I am the least domestic chick I know. Ok, Ok I don't cook. But I clean, do laundry, and pay the bills
I can get away with not cooking, right riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?!

I vote yay!
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So its cranberry jelly in the shape of the can
My brother is addicted to this stuff

He'll eat it all day everyday if he could
Well then, your brother is a good man.

I'm saying though, what's good with the "taco lasagna"?

I actually have a new recipe I think you might like thatis similar with chicken!
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