What is the appeal of PTI?

Dec 14, 2003
I don't get it.

You have two guys with regional (at best) sports knowledge asked to talk about topics that they rarely have an educated opinion on. From what I've seen,their knowledge of pop culture is limited and fairly lame. I honestly have no idea what this show brings to a fan of sports or entertainment, in general. Tome, it seems like it is an everyday broad's guide to sports in America.

The only people that I would think this show would be good for is masochists and morons. The latter may explain its popularity...

Ive had the same idea about this topic, but I dont look into it that serious. I mean, its a show. The worse is that they are both usually arguing the samepoint, and still yelling at each other.

But yeah, Ive felt the same way, just not to that extreme
I never ever sit down to watch it, if I'm on the internet or doing homework I usually leave it on in the background

I like Wilbon, but some of the stuff Kornheiser says just turns me off to the show completely
Have you watched it from the beginning? When it first began, it was basically two armchair quarterbacks arguing about things, and it was definitelyentertaining.

But like everything else on ESPN, it has mutated into something more pop-culture than sports, more stereotypical than original, and just another venue to spitout the same 7 redundant ESPN topics of the week.
I love Wilbon and Kornheiser. Show has fallen off though. I know they don't know as much as I even do really but dudes are entertaining nonetheless.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Have you watched it from the beginning? When it first began, it was basically two armchair quarterbacks arguing about things.

Like everything else on ESPN, it has mutated into something more pop-culture than sports, more stereotypical than original, and just another venue to spit out the same 7 redundant ESPN topics of the week.

Yeah you can see the same stuff repeated for an hour and a half with Rome, ARH, and PTI to hold you over until you watch it on Sportscenter that night
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

I like Wilbon

I like Kornehesier (sp?)


I like PTI

I've noticed that I've been watching it way less than before though (but that goes for ESPN as a whole, too)...still, the show is appreciated.
So I suppose you guys are also big watchers of The View? Tons of crosstalk, little brainpower. Sounds like a your kinda show...
1. I don't watch PTI for in depth sports information or news.

It's true unless it's about the major teams or Washington sports 90% of the time these guys are talking out of their @**. And yes, they say thingsabout sports that make me cringe or shake my head. I don't go to them for facts I go to them for their generally funny views on opinion based matters. Do Iwant to hear their opinion on who the next cy young should be? No. When they talk about things that can be proven as fact of fiction but on judgment callsthings with enough grey area to fill with their back and forth banter. Yes.

2. Tony Kornhieser is the funniest guy in sports.

The Tony Kornhieser who is MNF trying to be as PC as possible is not the same guy who hosted PTI in the early days or hosts "The Tony Kornhiser Show"everyday. Tony when he is given freedom and control is viciously (and hilariously) sarcastic and cruel. The dude who called a women who insulted him in anewspaper a "crone" or the dude talking or the dude who implied he was having sex with Halley Barry? That's the real Tony.

In fact I'm pretty danm sure you would love his podcast Hugebird, the you and the radio version of Tony seem share the same sense of humor and same tastein music.
I've been a Kornheiser fan since I picked up his book for $1.99 at a Super Crown clearance sale. Started reading his columns after that. PTI was fun whenit first was on the air for the same reason you enjoy arguing with your buddy over sports. It's two guys arguing over sports.

It hasn't been good recently though.
Tons of crosstalk, little brainpower, zero sports discussion.

Yeah, that sounds awesome.

Like I said, the show has lost a lot of it's luster in the last year or so, but when it first aired, it was a new approach to sports discussion.

Who the heck watches sports but doesn't argue sports topics? Who? So the show began as two guys with journalism backgrounds in sports arguing with eachother about different sports topics, just like you and me would... except we don't have journalism backgrounds in sports, and we couldn't get Tom Bradyto talk to us for a few minutes during our debating.
Originally Posted by hugebird

So I suppose you guys are also big watchers of The View? Tons of crosstalk, little brainpower. Sounds like a your kinda show...
I like how you don't like PTI, so basically anyone who does and doesn't share your opinion is amoron. You asked what the appeal was, people answered. Your response was insulting at best. What was the point of this thread?

Besides, they don't talk about sports on The View, do they? Maybe if they did, I'd watch.
Best. Show. Everrr.

sometimes they've got no idea what they're talking about and sometimes they're very insightful, but it's always entertaining to watch.
you don't like PTI, so basically anyone who does and doesn't share your opinion is a moron? You asked what the appeal was, people answered. Your response was insulting at best. What was the point of this thread?
I used to kind of enjoy it when it started, but the shtick got dry for me pretty quickly, and the show became unbearable several years back.

The thing is - in the information age, they offer NOTHING insightful because they're both essentially as uninformed as every sports fan on NT is right now,with the few exceptions where they snag a tidbit from somebody at ESPN who might have an insider-edge on some topic or another.

So what's the appeal? I can find everything they're saying online earlier in the day, not have to put up with their corny play-fighting, and move onwith my day. Better yet, i don't have to listen to whatever ESPN is trying to hype that day (their NON-stories get more time than actual storiesnowadays)...

Basically, PTI is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with ESPN right now.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Basically, PTI is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with ESPN right now.
I kind of feel you there, but... if I'm in the lounge or something or home early in the afternoon either getting ready for work or studying,sometimes I like having the TV on. And you know what? It's usually on ESPN. And it gets repetitive but I'm wondering if that's because (a) Iread ESPN.com/Foxsports.com/local sports news pages during breakfast and (b) surf SI.com, PFT, KSK, etc. during lunch breaks.

ESPN's not giving me anything new.
Not their fault though!
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

I used to kind of enjoy it when it started, but the shtick got dry for me pretty quickly, and the show became unbearable several years back.

The thing is - in the information age, they offer NOTHING insightful because they're both essentially as uninformed as every sports fan on NT is right now, with the few exceptions where they snag a tidbit from somebody at ESPN who might have an insider-edge on some topic or another.

So what's the appeal? I can find everything they're saying online earlier in the day, not have to put up with their corny play-fighting, and move on with my day. Better yet, i don't have to listen to whatever ESPN is trying to hype that day (their NON-stories get more time than actual stories nowadays)...

Basically, PTI is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with ESPN right now.
Well said. I give you a congratulatory, playful e-noogie.
Eh. Kornheiser is easily one of, if not THE wittiest sports personality there is, so that "moron" talk is kind of foolish.

With that said, I agree with almost all of what Craftsy said. ESPN is so oversaturated with the same repetitive %%@% over and over. Then again, it IS a 24/7sports station, so what do you really expect?
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