what is the best way to get lakers playoff tickets?? when do they go on sale?

Feb 29, 2004
just like the post saids......i know its gonna be tough to get, but what is the best way to purchase laker play off tickets? online? through the phone? ithink standing in line at a ticketmaster is a long shot in my opinion. also when do the the tix go on sale?

any help would be really appreciated.
I got my playoff tickets a couple of seasons back through Barry's Tickets.

But then again, it was mad expensive for nosebleeds.
I wake up at 9:30, wait on my computer til 10am, and buy whatever becomes available on ticketmaster.

luckily this year i split season tickets with my girls pops, the other dude he splits tickets with couldn't pay for them this year, so he asked me if iwanted to do it so i did. i guess since he is a season ticket holder they give him first dips on his(our) seats. so i think im good...i hope...good luck to allyou guys getting tickets...go lakers!
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