What Is The Craziest Drunk Night You Have Ever Had?

Feb 15, 2003
When I really think about it, I've been in many crazy situations when I've been inebriated: Started 2 riots after the club (the SWAT team actually cameto the 1st one) been held hostage by the mayor of rosarito at his compound by his guards, had my nose broken after getting it crackin under a pier in Santabarbara, crashing thru a freeway overpass and almost going over & many more I can't think of.. Out of all the crazy situations I've been in,I'd have to pick a night in Santa Barbara as the craziest of them all. I had been out there for a week in isla vista (the town where UCSB is) & GICevery night. My last night there, I had linked up with with my boys neighbor who I met last time I went up there, (she just came back in town the same day& I knew she was ready, Ol girl looked like kim kardashan without the money, still a bad one tho) & we made plans to hang out. B4 that, my boy got akeg & I went thru 29 cups. By the time I met up with ol girl, I was stupid nice. Ma was like I really wanna kick it now but I gotta stop by a couple of mfriends parties, I'm like ok as she shotgunned some purp to me with her soft lips (max b: owww) so how could I say no? Anyways, I'm drunk and liftedwhile walking thru the cop infested streets on the way to party #1 where I hit a hash filled hookah. Party #2: I do shrooms. Party #3:I'm given a squarepiece of paper to put under my tounge (I found out it was acid months later. Smh) after all this, we had to go to 1 more party & I am out of my mind. Weleave the party & the sky was so blue that I thought the sky was water & started doing the back stroke in the middle of the street. The cops ask olgirl if I'm cool & she busts out laughing and tried to take dudes hat. I know we woulda spent the night in the drunk tank but a fight broke out &son dipped. Anyways, we get to the party which is at a house overlooking the ocean & I go on the balcony & try and jump into the water which was a good20 feet from the water. Mad people grab me & lock me in a room alone. For some reason, I thought I couldwalk thru walls & proceeded to run into thewall head first, damn near knocking myself out. I also knocked a grip of framed pictures off the wall (shattered dreams LOL) anyways we dipped back to herhouse & went in her room to G.I.C. As soon as I removed the bra, my head started spinning & I threw up all on her face and racks. Ms started screamingso I grabbed a random felt fedora she had in her house & ended up sleeping in the bushes cuz I forgot where my boy lived (next door smh) I never got toG.I.C with ol girl after that, smh...
I'll keep it short:

Got drunk

got left at the club

dont remember how i got back (hope i didnt compromise myself)

got in the dorm with no keys

woke up the next day in my best friends bed (he was drunk too, so no telling where he was)

threw up in the trash can
so I grabbed a random felt fedora she had in her house & ended up sleeping in the bushes cuz I forgot where my boy lived (next door smh)
lost my phone and camera at a party so i stole as many phones as i could...all sprint and i needed a verizon phone...i also stole this girls camera right aftershe took it from me...i had it...she took it and put it right back where i took it from so i grabbed it again and walked out the bathroom...
a fedora?? lulz...
one time me and my friends were walking the streets of berkeley cal and some guy shoulder bumped my friend(thats how it always starts...haha), so we get into a3 on 3. we fight for a minute or 2 before the cops broke it up. So the cops asked me what was going on and I just put my hands up and said "I don'tknow anything." They told us to just leave. As we were walking away we looked back and saw the cops peeling the other guys off the ground and handcuffingthem...haahaha
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

When I really think about it, I've been in many crazy situations when I've been inebriated: Started 2 riots after the club (the SWAT team actually came to the 1st one) been held hostage by the mayor of rosarito at his compound by his guards, had my nose broken after getting it crackin under a pier in Santa barbara, crashing thru a freeway overpass and almost going over & many more I can't think of.. Out of all the crazy situations I've been in, I'd have to pick a night in Santa Barbara as the craziest of them all. I had been out there for a week in isla vista (the town where UCSB is) & GIC every night. My last night there, I had linked up with with my boys neighbor who I met last time I went up there, (she just came back in town the same day & I knew she was ready, Ol girl looked like kim kardashan without the money, still a bad one tho) & we made plans to hang out. B4 that, my boy got a keg & I went thru 29 cups. By the time I met up with ol girl, I was stupid nice. Ma was like I really wanna kick it now but I gotta stop by a couple of m friends parties, I'm like ok as she shotgunned some purp to me with her soft lips (max b: owww) so how could I say no? Anyways, I'm drunk and lifted while walking thru the cop infested streets on the way to party #1 where I hit a hash filled hookah. Party #2: I do shrooms. Party #3:I'm given a square piece of paper to put under my tounge (I found out it was acid months later. Smh) after all this, we had to go to 1 more party & I am out of my mind. We leave the party & the sky was so blue that I thought the sky was water & started doing the back stroke in the middle of the street. The cops ask ol girl if I'm cool & she busts out laughing and tried to take dudes hat. I know we woulda spent the night in the drunk tank but a fight broke out & son dipped. Anyways, we get to the party which is at a house overlooking the ocean & I go on the balcony & try and jump into the water which was a good 20 feet from the water. Mad people grab me & lock me in a room alone. For some reason, I thought I couldwalk thru walls & proceeded to run into the wall head first, damn near knocking myself out. I also knocked a grip of framed pictures off the wall (shattered dreams LOL) anyways we dipped back to her house & went in her room to G.I.C. As soon as I removed the bra, my head started spinning & I threw up all on her face and racks. Ms started screaming so I grabbed a random felt fedora she had in her house & ended up sleeping in the bushes cuz I forgot where my boy lived (next door smh) I never got to G.I.C with ol girl after that, smh...
I dont wanna be quick to call them duck tales, but damn.... you got the tolerance of an elephant. If you drinkin 29 cups of brew, smoke bud, eatfungus, drop a tab, and still be able to walk on 2 feet.... my hat goes off to you. Only time I ever mixed copious amounts of alcohol and the fungus I wasblowin chunks and was an absolute mess. Props for making it as far through the night as you did.

Drunk-wise I got some weak stories... nothing really crazy, but I used to do a ton of acid when I was in college which always leads to very funny situations

#1 dropped tabs and started trippin balls. Went outside for a smoke, and there was this pre-school with a huge *#% tree right next door to the dorms. Forsome reason we thought we were monkeys (and thus excellent tree climbers) so we started to scale the tree. Got about 20-25 ft up with the quickness before welooked down and got a mean case of vertigo. Sat up in the tree for the next 4 hrs until our cigs ran out cause we were to effed up to climb down.

#2 My boy cracked the bong so we didnt have anything to smoke out of. Luckily he had some papers in the car, so he says hes gonna run out and get em. It wasmy boy's first time droppin tabs so as he was leaving I told him to go get em and come right back and dont do nothing crazy to get arrested. a minutelater I hear an engine rev and tires squeelin, son just boned out. Bout an hour later homie shows up and we are all pissed that he ran off with the papers(too effed up to worry about him being alive). He said he was walkin to his car when his friend walked by and said wsup... Friend? what Friend? My boy didnteven go to my school, he dont know no one there cept me and my roommate. My boy elaborates and says his friend jumped outta the sign. Turns out this"friend" was the stick figure in the crosswalk who magically jumped out of the sign and to kick it wit him. He says he went for a joyride cause his"friend" wanted to go for a drive.

#3. Probably the most interesting acid trip of my life. Was just me and my roommate on a random Tuesday. We drop tabs and just goofin around doing stupidstuff. Eventually we ran out of cigs so we decide to make a run to the 7-11 at 3AM. I convince my boy to teach me to drive manual (yea... im pathetic anddrive an automatic) and he obliges. Ole boy had this burnt orange late 80's subaru that was a complete bucket on wheels. I get into the car and proceedto start it without holding onto the break or clutch or anything. Car lurches forward into the wall denting the crap outta the hood. My buddy kicks me out ofhis car as I am pleading with him for a 2nd chance. He pulls it out, has a change of heart, and lets me drive again. The thing is so beat up that thewindshield is perma-dirty, and in the mist/fog you can barely see out of it. I am driving ok down the street but as I pull into the 7-11 I miss the drivewayand run it up into the planter. I slam on the breaks and the car stalls. Look up and see a couple of cops out in front of the 7-11 eyeballin the hell outtame. Im shook as hell, and my buddy tryin to get me to calm down and restart the car. Upon restart I jam the accelerator too hard and do a nice burnout rightin front of the cop as I go towards the parking spot. My boy is trippin out and thinks Im about to run the cop over as he yells out OHHHHHHHH SHHHHHHHHH..... I manage to park without killin anyone, and exit the car fully expecting to get arrested and taken to jail. Luckily the cop was too lazy and bought my excusethat my boy is teaching me to drive stick at 3AM on a Tuesday.
mytmouse76 wrote:
i also stole this girls camera right after she took it from me...i had it...she took it and put it right back where i took it from so i grabbed it again and walked out the bathroom...

drunk at club

cousin was speeding on the way home

pulled over by the cops

i try to play sleep

opened up car door and throw up on officer partner shoes

told him it was food poisoning...so many other stories but later
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

I'll keep it short:

Got drunk

got left at the club

dont remember how i got back (hope i didnt compromise myself)

got in the dorm with no keys

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]woke up the next day in my best friends bed (he was drunk too, so no telling where he was)[/color]

threw up in the trash can

AYOOOO unless he wasn't in bed
Scared to fly.

Night before popped 2 zanys on top of being drunk to quell the fear

Went to bar and threw a beer at the bartender.

Had my brother and two friends pick me up.

Gave my friend a rusty hook.
(for those not in the know it is when youstick your middle finger down the crack of your @@+,then put it in somebody's mouth)

Tried to drive my car.

Friend drove for me,the whole time i was telling him i was going to murder him.

So i get home and was telling my sister brother and best friends i was gonna get them all killed,if i remember correctly i was saying"i put!@#$%!@#$%^&*@ like you on murals !@##$"

Not my finest hour.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

#2 My boy cracked the bong so we didnt have anything to smoke out of. Luckily he had some papers in the car, so he says hes gonna run out and get em. It was my boy's first time droppin tabs so as he was leaving I told him to go get em and come right back and dont do nothing crazy to get arrested. a minute later I hear an engine rev and tires squeelin, son just boned out. Bout an hour later homie shows up and we are all pissed that he ran off with the papers (too effed up to worry about him being alive). He said he was walkin to his car when his friend walked by and said wsup... Friend? what Friend? My boy didnt even go to my school, he dont know no one there cept me and my roommate. My boy elaborates and says his friend jumped outta the sign. Turns out this "friend" was the stick figure in the crosswalk who magically jumped out of the sign and to kick it wit him. He says he went for a joyride cause his "friend" wanted to go for a drive.
Oh noooo..
I'm dying here.
went to a party with my dudes
drinks and
were everywhere in the house

atleast 10 cop cars rolled through, do to complaints

we walked out from the side of the house and got to my friends car

cop pulled up next to us with his lights on

cop knew the driver of the car and just said Merry Christmas, be safe!

not the craziest story but it was
when he just let us go
Went to a party, got blasted, beer goggled, thought Girl X was my ex (she looks nothing like her when I'm sober), got mad at the guy that was hittin onher, threatened to pull a knife, got tackled by my friends, thrown into a car, and hauled off five minutes before the cops rolled the party.

Fun times.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

This one night my boys and I had 3 bottles of 151.
We woke up to empty, greasy bottles and we were all really sore.

I was going in doggystyle on a chick and threw up all over her back. After I threw up she looked to see what it was and she started to throw up. The whole@*##%** bed was covered in throw up and you could smell it 3 dorm rooms down. I just sat there with the southwest airlines look on my face "wana getaway?", I'm never showing my face at ASU or drinking 151 again. Only time I ever threw up drinking.
Originally Posted by Hokkaido JDM

Went to a party, got blasted, beer goggled, thought Girl X was my ex (she looks nothing like her when I'm sober), got mad at the guy that was hittin on her, threatened to pull a knife, got tackled by my friends, thrown into a car, and hauled off five minutes before the cops rolled the party.

Fun times.
hahahahaha thats classic. drunken mistaken identity situation. its happened to the best of us, and you always feel like the biggest idiot afterthe fact.
The worst for me was the combo of bad sushi+non stop shots of vodka+151 straight out the bottle=wreckage

On the way back home as the cab was stopping and moving forward and I am rocking back and forward with it, I puked every time my head went forward (my boyswere holding a plastic bag near my mouth)

My boy was slapping me with all of his might in the elevator to wake me up as they were dropping me off (couldn't even be mad at him because I didn'tfeel anything) and I manage to open my door, and fall face flat on the rug immediately as I step in the door. I woke up with red marks and dirt on my face thenext morning and had no idea what was going on.

Oh yeah, my spacejams got the business too (throw up)
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