What is the most alcohol you've drank in one night?

   It was my first semester in college, and my boys and I were headed to the club. All day we were joking about how much liquor each of us would drink me being me I came up with some unknown bs drink called "The Devils Juice" I made it up on the spot and my boys are looking at me in awe like wtf is that.... (fast forward to about 9 that night)

   My boys and I are all in our dorm rooms pre gaming, so I came up with this mix...



                     -Four Loko (2 different kinds)

   At the time thats all we had, so I took a few sips this thing is awful, but I played it cool for a while. On the way to the car we wanted to down what we had left so I downed the rest of my cup man after that the whole night went down hill.

I threw up twice before I hit the club, I threw up in the club, and I had called atleast 5 different people in my phone all of them saying I called them yelling "RENO 911"

My older sister had to come all the way to the club in her club fit, because she was about to go out to literally draaaaggg me out the club lmaooo...

I fell asleep in the backseat of her car, I dont even remember walking in to her house, and for some reason her boyfriend thought I got jumped at the club, so he had all his homeboys ready for action.

I ended up just passing out on my sisters bed, and waking up the next morning feeling like goku slapped 5 from me.

Moral of the story: Don't Mix Drinks

Ever since then I haven't touched a drink and thats years ago. Lets just say I've gone green
I was fresh out of boot camp in the Navy and stationed on the Great Lakes base. It was a Friday night and me and some other dudes walked to the liquor store off of base to grab some beverages. I chose bumpy face aka Seagram's gin and juice. I remember the only reason I grabbed it was because I didn't feel like buying a liquor and a chaser and that **** was already mixed for you. :rolleyes :smh:

Keep in mind, I copped a fifth.

So we walk out of the liquor store and crack our bottles casually, like it's all good, and proceed to walk and drink. A cop must have watched this all go down from a distance and lit us up not too far away from the store. He tells us to pour it out and I'm like "I just bought this, can't I just put the lid on it?" My dumb *** probably avoided a ticket for being bold enough to ask such a stupid question. The cop told me if I downed the whole fifth I didn't have to pour it out. I smiled and accepted the challenge. I downed the whole damn fifth. :smh: :x

Long story short, I spend that night on the bathroom floor next to the toilet in my barracks. I spent the next day in my bed next to a trash can. I had poisoned myself and was throwing up bile because I hadn't even eaten the night I bought the fifth.

On the third day I rose again, word to Jesus and linked up with a girl that I ended up making my gf for a hot minute. She asked me "where have you been the past couple of days?" She actually came to my window throwing rocks and woke me up. :lol: I would have stayed in bed had it not been for her.
july 4th on vacation in the bahamas 2012

started with an authentic Watermelon 4loko

1 Guiness

4~ shots of tequila

solo'd a $20 bottle of Henny

Redbull and Anejo at the club

few glasses of champagne after the fireworks and i wake up with one of cousins friends back at the hotel room. 

could have recited the entire rosary during that piss. 
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Me and my boy killed a 750 of jack.
I was suprised we finished it lol
That's the only time I've actually measured it.
I'm not entirely sure how much I actually drank in total as I only remember certain parts of this night but I was at the bar with a bunch of friends and bought this:

-Grey Goose 70cl

-Veuve Clicquot 75cl x3

-Bombay Sapphire 70cl x2

I remember a couple shots of Goose shots, bout 5 champagne glasses and only remember that the Bombay was terrible, not sure how much I drank of it.

I woke up still drunk the next day at 11AM. The hangover didn't hit me till the afternoon.
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I drank an entire fifth of Jack Daniel's Honey by myself one night partying solo with a biddy. Smh. I was ****** three ways to the wind the next morning. :smh:
Two bottles of Budweiser.

DipsetGeneral is the greatest troll of all time.
From the underrated responses like this, to the gravedigs, and having the "last reply" on every single thread on page 1 in the music forum.
Subtle. Simple. Effective.

Cheers to you-
Definitely a first-ballot HOF'er in my eyes
Stay thirsty my friend.
Multiple shots of tequila,a big *** pitcher of Hefeweizen dolo'd, some jager shots which was a mistake, some nectar of the gods, and some more **** I can't remember but I think we drank the whole bar. The next day I was done, I'm talking vomit, boo booin', crying, and dry heaving.
Alot of lightweights in here lol. Only time I ever blacked out was this summer. I had half a 5th of Hennessy and my cousin brought me a bottle of moonshine. I don't ever think I'd been so drunk in my life
Full red cup of straight jack, right before going into the club. I think an Incredible Hulk and whatever else after.. At that point everything tasted like juice lol . First and last time I ever drank like that and the first time I ever passed out. Jack used to be my favorite drink.. Can't even smell jack without getting queasy..
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I'm not entirely sure how much I actually drank in total as I only remember certain parts of this night but I was at the bar with a bunch of friends and bought this:

-Grey Goose 70cl

-Veuve Clicquot 75cl x3

-Bombay Sapphire 70cl x2

I remember a couple shots of Goose shots, bout 5 champagne glasses and only remember that the Bombay was terrible, not sure how much I drank of it.

I woke up still drunk the next day at 11AM. The hangover didn't hit me till the afternoon.
You ain't never lied 

Thought I was cool trying "rapper drinks" and ended up paying
I'm not entirely sure how much I actually drank in total as I only remember certain parts of this night but I was at the bar with a bunch of friends and bought this:
-Grey Goose 70cl
-Veuve Clicquot 75cl x3
-Bombay Sapphire 70cl x2

I remember a couple shots of Goose shots, bout 5 champagne glasses and only remember that the Bombay was terrible, not sure how much I drank of it.
I woke up still drunk the next day at 11AM. The hangover didn't hit me till the afternoon.

Were you shootin it?

Cause Bombay pretty much should only be consumed with tonic and a lime.

This other fool I hit the club with the other night ordered shots, I thought they were Goose/Belvi or something....I knocked it back and it was Bombay :smh:

But I drink Bombay all the time, and it's great with tonic and a lime on a summers day.
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Alot of lightweights in here lol. Only time I ever blacked out was this summer. I had half a 5th of Hennessy and my cousin brought me a bottle of moonshine. I don't ever think I'd been so drunk in my life
Breh, you ain't lying...Had homebrew aka moonshine back in the day. Couldn't even get my thang up when smashing, zipped up my zipper and scared my thang and woke up under a tree at the memorial coliseum in pdx :x
Never again
Man, I woke in my bed with my shorts and shoes on the next day with Walmart bags with frozen pizzas and snacks all in my bed. I guess I went to Walmart while blacked out lol
I've drank a fifth to myself several times... I space it out tho... But there was that night I drank 3/4 fifth of 151... Woke up on the floor next to the porcelain throne..
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