What is the name of these Reeboks?

Hose are the original DMX Run shoes, released in 97, those colors are not OG and came out around 99 I believe if not later
Hose are the original DMX Run shoes, released in 97, those colors are not OG and came out around 99 I believe if not later
This is going by memory, but I think the very first one was a White/Light Blue with an Icy Sole. There was also a Black/Silver pair with a Semi translucent Silver sole with some sort of sparkle/glitter material in the plastic, but I'm not sure if those dropped at the same time, it was definitely in 97 though because I have an old picture of myself in high school wearing them.
This is going by memory, but I think the very first one was a White/Light Blue with an Icy Sole. There was also a Black/Silver pair with a Semi translucent Silver sole with some sort of sparkle/glitter material in the plastic, but I'm not sure if those dropped at the same time, it was definitely in 97 though because I have an old picture of myself in high school wearing them.
I'd love if Reebok put out a retro of these in the original colors. My black pair was what initially replaced my AM95 neons for every day wear.
I'd love if Reebok put out a retro of these in the original colors. My black pair was what initially replaced my AM95 neons for every day wear.
Here are my original colors.  Unfortunately pretty beat up:

Another pair I have in good condition:

Some of the most comfortable shoes ever made.  They are definitely on my list of shoes Reebok should retro...
Here are my original colors.  Unfortunately pretty beat up:

Another pair I have in good condition:

Some of the most comfortable shoes ever made.  They are definitely on my list of shoes Reebok should retro...
From a technical standpoint wasn't DMX pretty sound too? Sure it's not as flashy as that Zig sole or Nike's Air Max, but I remember my feet being damn comfortable when I wore my black pair to ROTC camp in the Summer of 97.
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