What is your JOB/Career ? Vol. Rate your happiness.

Oct 20, 2014
I've been thinking lately about how it seems like i need a change. Deep down i feel like i'm meant to be an entrepreneur.

Just feel like i'm stuck and everyday is like groundhog day and going through the motions waiting on the weekend to come again. It really feels like the wrong way to live with life being so short.

I just wanted to see what type of jobs or should i say careers the late 20's+ crowd here are holding down and if they're actually happy or just there cause it pays the bills.

I know we gotta go what we gotta do but is it always worth our mental health or do we take a leap of faith and go with what our gut tells us.

right now i'm working at a company that sells consumer goods where i manage a crew of 7-8 people. pay is ok but i can't be doing this for the next 20-25 years that's for sure. i'd rate my job happiness at 6/10.

I think i created this thread for some inspiration/motivation to see what other struggles or successes others have and maybe to see some other lines of work that will open my eyes.
If your heart desires to be an entrepreneur, take a leap at it. It’s never too late. If you fail, then do it again.

Life too short not to do the things your heart desires.

You are lucky to know what it is you feel works for you, there some people who goes their whole life not knowing. So take advantage of it.

Decide: do I want to work to live or do I want to live my life through my work.

(You get a high paying job (where you may not like) and allow it to provide you the resources to do the things that make you happy. Or, do what you enjoy, where it makes you money and you’ll be happy doing it. )
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I work in Tax Reporting at an investment bank.

Overall it is pretty good and there is a lot of growth potential. I have learned that I love working with people and having to show up for others (myself included). There is just something about it that is good for me. As for the actual job - it is not my dream job at all. What helps me though, is that I try to be discipline in my personal life and pursue my hobbies in which I can hopefully turn or blend them into my career.

As for the groundhog day comment, I don't mean this with pessimism but I don't think that every really changes. People who are entrepreneurs, working dream jobs etc., generally do the same thing every day and it seems to always ends up coming down to each's mental and spiritual health. I think there is some peace of mind in accepting that. Attempting to or expecting every day to be exciting or dramatically different can bring on a lot of confusion in my experiences.

Anyways - I feel you though your thoughts seem pretty normal.

EDIT: 8/10
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Got out the military 2 years ago because I no longer liked my job (loved being in the military tho) but in order to switch jobs I would've had to separate from my family during a hard time for us. So I decided to get out and now work in IT. I like what I do as of right now (rate 8/10), but as soon as my wife retires from the military in 9 years then so will I.

Most people don't end up ding what they love, but it's never too late to give it a try. These 9-5's aren't going anywhere, take the leap and give yourself a set time to accomplish entrepreneurial goals. If it doesn't work then get back to the 9-5 while you game plan for your next endeavor.
Been working in Finance for the last ~12-13 years. Ended up opening my own firm and now live a pretty comfortable life. No complaints from me.

Best move I've ever made was doing my own thing. Always suggest people go after their passions/goals.
Work as a registered nurse in the Bay Area. I provide life sustaining treatment for people with kidney failure, called dialysis. Highest pay is up here and we’re Unionized, really nice benefits. I’ve been giving the Covid vaccine on the side.
I get paid well with good benefits to keep people alive and help us out of this pandemic.. I’m really happy with work and take lots of overtime opportunities.
There’s lots of different specialties in nursing, so everybody can find something they like.
I work in Tax Reporting at an investment bank.

Overall it is pretty good and there is a lot of growth potential. I have learned that I love working with people and having to show up for others (myself included). There is just something about it that is good for me. As for the actual job - it is not my dream job at all. What helps me though, is that I try to be discipline in my personal life and pursue my hobbies in which I can hopefully turn or blend them into my career.

As for the groundhog day comment, I don't mean this with pessimism but I don't think that every really changes. People who are entrepreneurs, working dream jobs etc., generally do the same thing every day and it seems to always ends up coming down to each's mental and spiritual health. I think there is some peace of mind in accepting that. Attempting to or expecting every day to be exciting or dramatically different can bring on a lot of confusion in my experiences.

Anyways - I feel you though your thoughts seem pretty normal.

EDIT: 8/10

what i meant by the groundhog day comment is in my situation its a clock in and clock out situation and do what i gotta do throughout the work week and then wait for friday to come. i know that working for yourself/entrepreneur it'll be a lot of the same days over and over again but when i work for myself i think that i'll actually enjoy it. i'm not a lazy person at all and have that black mamba (rip kobe) work ethic/mentality. it's just recently i'm realizing that this can't be my life for the next 20-30 years.

i'm a home owner with a mortgage but do have some money saved up where i would be ok the next little while even if i don't bring in any income but it's still a scary endeavour unless i come up with a solid plan and then go for it.
what i meant by the groundhog day comment is in my situation its a clock in and clock out situation and do what i gotta do throughout the work week and then wait for friday to come. i know that working for yourself/entrepreneur it'll be a lot of the same days over and over again but when i work for myself i think that i'll actually enjoy it. i'm not a lazy person at all and have that black mamba (rip kobe) work ethic/mentality. it's just recently i'm realizing that this can't be my life for the next 20-30 years.

i'm a home owner with a mortgage but do have some money saved up where i would be ok the next little while even if i don't bring in any income but it's still a scary endeavour unless i come up with a solid plan and then go for it.

Oh yeah for sure that make sense.

You are probably doing it already but I would just spend your time outside of the 9-5 wisely (as much as you can). Developing skills, hobbies, etc. and eventually everything will come together. At least that is what I believe.
I’m a Phys Ed Teacher and basketball coach I enjoy it. Sounds corny but I used to envision myself as a teacher when I was young even before I wanted to be a teacher :lol:

love the actual work that matters but the bull**** following orders from the state/city takes the fun out of it

Computer Science teacher and assistant basketball coach. Same thing for me people think it's the kids who make the job difficult when it's really everything else.
Glad you made this thread. Similar thoughts have been tugging at my heart for awhile.

I work in Human Resources. 7 years in. Pay is very good I must admit, but at the same time based on my tenure, degrees, and compared to some of my peers, Im underpaid.

Job happiness? 6/10. It's whatever. My Wife and Son are on my Insurance and the pay is what makes me get up in the morning to do this. I want to leave but every time I get on indeed and search for other HR jobs I always find myself stopping because I really dont want to do this **** no more. A lot of jobs also require certain certifications I do not have as well, and I have zero desire to get them because then I'll still be doing this. For the first time in my life I honestly dont know what I want to do next, but at the same time Im glad that I at least know that I do not want to do this any more.

Covid had me working from home for an entire year. I will say that was easily the happiest I have ever been doing HR. Not having to put on these clothes, deal with these people as much, and just deal with the dumb office politics was a well deserved break. I kinda wish I woulda took that free time to find a way out, but I seriously just took that year as time to recover from the mental stress from the job. It was so needed.

Idk what is going to happen next, but Im excited and I cannot wait for the change. All I know is my next move is going to be for me. I dont think I can keep working for other people. This is my 2nd HR job and I remember how much I couldnt stand my first one and I was dying to get out of that situation and I was so happy I landed this gig. I feel bad at times cuz I Prayed so hard to get into this job, then I got it, and I was happy, then it just turned out to be the same **** just in a different setting. So a change is needed...
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I'm 29 and with USPS as a supervisor. I started with them around 22 y/o while I was getting my B.S. in Public Administration (Government). I was promoted to supervisor in about 2.5 years. I had an analyst detail for about 1.5-2 years that kept things interesting but ultimately fell back into supervising due to staffing. I'm pushing 6 years in this role and it's definitely not fulfilling. If I was willing to move, I could move up the ranks, but I purchased my house 2016 and have been living very comfortably and also have a 5 year old to try and maintain a relationship with. I don't think I'll necessarily be happier at a higher level position, especially in a new town/city away from friends and family.

The local job opportunities are limited, clique-ish, and political. I keep it too real to really participate in the games. I did the "yes man" role for about a year and rather than be rewarded, I just got abused. Had no work/life balance and went into a depression. I took my work life balance back forcefully and as a result, I end up living for the weekend now. It's rough mentally, but there isn't much to my job. It's doesn't even feel right to complain when the organization pays me 70k+ to do little to nothing (mostly because the supervisor role is micromanaged to the point that i don't have responsibility for anything.) It helps me sleep at night to remember there are managers making twice my salary for objectively less benefit to the organization. We are in the middle of an organization restructuring so we will see how things shake out or if layoffs happen in management. Hoping for some positive changes to come but hopes aren't high.

I cant take any risk right now due to debt and obligations but I think in 5 years once my student loans are forgiven, I may start putting my extra income towards my own business endeavors and break free from corporate bs and time based income ceilings.
I work in finance. I really enjoy my career and have been afforded some incredible opportunities thanks to luck and hard work (in that order)

I may be in the minority but I actually enjoy the corporate lifestyle, I will eventually start my own thing on the side but don't see it as an either/or scenario

I will say that you should never worship your company, it's really just a company at the end of the day. I have had to fire people who gave years of their life to a company and we had to let them go for policy violation or in some cases just job cuts, thems the breaks

I also don't really enjoy the politics that is necessary, but if you are at a good company good work will get you where you need to go
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Marketing. Specifically, I’m currently an SEO/Copywriter specialist. The pay is nice but I hate the restrictions as far as what I’m actually allowed to do on my own. I love Marketing, but I’m leaning towards trying another field out for a while or maybe trying my hand at freelance work. I’ve only been here for 5 months and and I’m already over it.

Pay 7/10
Happines 3/10
Commute 1/10
I manage a small team of 3 Financial Analysts for a Tech company.

Job happiness: Probably 7/10. The work can get repetitive/boring, but that’s with anything. The people I work with are dope though, I’ve actually developed real friendships which never happened prior to this job. Benefits are decent, pay could be better but including my bonus I’ll clear 100k this year, so it ain’t bad. Ive gotten 3 promotions in 2.5 years, so from a growth/opportunity standpoint I can’t complain.

Probably in the minority here, but I don’t really aspire to have my own business. Investments, definitely, but I like being able to clock out and detach from my work. In my experience, it seems like those ppl who own their own businesses have to be “on” all the time. That’s no shade against anyone, it’s just not how I’m wired.

What Ive learned though is there’s a huge difference between a job you absolutely hate and a job that just occasionally gets repetitive/boring. At one point in my life I was questioning if there was something wrong with me because I absolutely despised my job. But what I realized later is that the environment itself was (and I hate this term) “toxic”. Little to no support, no new ideas, bad pay, being micromanaged. That stuff will drive you insane until you move on and realize that’s not how you treat people.

As far as future plans, I’m really not sure yet. I could hang around another few years and become a Director before I’m 35, which would be a good look. Ive been getting more into coding and Tableau too, so I could probably transition to another department, maybe something in Marketing.
In my experience, it seems like those ppl who own their own businesses have to be “on” all the time. That’s no shade against anyone, it’s just not how I’m wired.

definitely agree. Its crazy because in my circle I have a good 8 ppl who all have their own businesses. Im aware comparison is the death of happiness, but sometimes I cant help but look at their situation with mine. They definitely are doing well financially and they dont have to play the game, and can dress and talk however they please, but they literally are "on" 24/7 and work consumes their lives. I do envy their freedom at work, but I not how work is essentially their whole life. Once it hits 5pm and I clock out Im done until I show back up and thats a perk I will never overlook.
Computer Science teacher and assistant basketball coach. Same thing for me people think it's the kids who make the job difficult when it's really everything else.

I'm a School Counselor. I coach boys and girls soccer also. Facilitate a couple of clubs/groups. It's rewarding. I'll never be rich, but I live fairly comfortably. And I agree 1000%. The kids are easy to work with. It's the adults that make things difficult.
Oncology drug development. Would rate it overall a 9/10. Great mentoring/coaching, encouragement to grow at all levels, work with awesome/smart people and cutting edge technology/science, helping improve/save patients lives, and good pay/benefits. I’m lucky I ended up where I did.
No lie. I was gonna make this thread last night. The 9-5 life is trash. I don’t see how people do this for 20+ years in one position.

Nothing is wrong with a 9-5. Not everybody wants the hustle and bustle everyday. Some rather security, their time and a regularly paycheck.

Not everybody is built to be an entrepreneur. Takes a special kind of mind frame to do it.

A lot of wealthy people works 9-5, because they invest their money into other things - franchises, stocks/crypto, real estate, etc.
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I don't think i'll ever achieve full "happiness" from working for anyone else or my own so I don't really chase that, just give the balance, salary, and enough respect to where I never want to knock your head off. I'm just not into working period.
Nothing wrong with a 9-5. Not everybody wants the hustle and bustle everyday. Some rather security, their time and a regularly paycheck.

Not everybody is built to be a entrepreneur. Takes a special kind of mind frame to do it.

A lot of wealthy people works 9-5, because they invest their money into other things - franchises, stocks/crypto, real estate, etc.
That’s true people love knockin 9-5s on the socials. But like most things people just be spinning there wheels on there and chattin
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