What kind of lingerie do you guys like?

How y'all manage to turn a lingerie thread into arguing? I haven't read through the pages, but I'm assuming it's the same ol' *%[email protected] is serious business...
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

How y'all manage to turn a lingerie thread into arguing? I haven't read through the pages, but I'm assuming it's the same ol' *%[email protected] internets is serious business...

cuz the trick ain't provide pix...

i don't think you're a trick holly
Me personally, I like BLACK anything. Black is a sexy color. Boy shorts look better on great butts than thongs do. Thongs look good with heels. Bras might aswell not exist as far as I'm concerned.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

^ we past that homie...keep up...this ain't been bout lingerie since like page 10
Meh... I only clicked this thread because of the title. If ya'll ain't talking bout lingerie, I'm ghostdini...
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Cannoli, props for rolling with the punches.

And no, you are nowhere near ugly.

Letting her down easy?

SMH though @ a girl bragging about being able to get sex. There's a word for that and it's not "player."

This whole thread was pointless from the start without pics... the type of lingerie really depends on the girl's body.
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