What kinda drugs is this girl on?

that girl is hot. A little longer and I bet the tree would of PIIHB

Wonder where her friends are at?? I bet they're the ones who filmed this and put it all over the net.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

She wanted the B wood*

how was this not the more obvious joke-route to take?

Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now
chick was probably on drugs but this stupidity is as much a product of the girl attention horing as it was the drugs.
I've seen her kind before.

Hits the weed, blows the smoke out in .2 seconds, geek'd out her mind halfway through the blunt.
Stupid drunk, first round, cup half full.
Eats a nibble of a shroom, thinks the chow-chow is trying to kill her.
Takes a bottle top of lean, now she can fly.
Pops half a pill, gets loose for the click about 5 hours later.
I could never imagine doing anything like that while trippin. Which makes me really wonder what she was on. Maybe peyote or something really intense like a 2c chemical. 2ci was definitely the most intense trip I've had. Never again will I rail that stuff. Burns like you railed it off the devils *%!
and as soon as the pain melts off.. instant trip. And not just a trip. One of the fear and loathing trips
I'd rather candy flip.

No way shes on JUST molly. I've knocked some molly back and have never got even close to that point.
She probably got separated from her friends but....this is why you need that one sober friend that's not gonna let you:
1) get naked in a public places
2) let you have your cheeks out without you at least knowing you got a crowd of 30 watching
3) let you wrap you leg around anything

...when you are that far gone.
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