What means the world to you?

Realizing that I'm human, and there a billions of others like me. But even more so, really thinking about how huge this universe is and we're just here. It's weird as ****.
My wife and my daughter( who will be born in March)..
All I do is for them and my mother who has held me down since day one..
My insatiable curiosity that has caused me to question many aspects of my life. It has lead me to many realizations, and many more questions in which answers must be sought after.

My curiosity, my family, and my quest to find true happiness.
I'm a human being, a brother, a son, a friend, a lover, an uncle, etc... How you treat everyone around is what means the world to me.
I'm creative, curious, confident and courageous. I'm the dude that will take a bullet or fight to the death for my loved ones. I'm also the dude that has a cold switch and could do some foul ****. Early on I had a sense of adventure and would put myself in odd situations just to see how I'd deal with them.

My self-worth is defined by my creative spirit. If I died before I can realize a dream of mine, I will feel that I didn't serve my purpose. I take pride in being a good father as well.
For now,

My moms.

My time.

Being seen as a model to follow.

My self worth??

My loyalty, my self awareness, my constant quest to learn & grow.
Family, Friends, The Universe, Humanity, the power of I AM.

I wanna see generations far after I've crossed over to be born into peace, love and comfort.
My daughter
My family
Enjoying life experiences
reaping the benefits of my melanin and pineal gland to be in tune with nature
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80s childhood

memories of my mother(miss her badly) 

memories of my grandmother and grandfather

my daughter
fun fact:actually, in the OG version, in Orlando, he was Penny. then the song got commercialized and edited and Penny moved to Phoenix.

:lol: my man with the Killa trivia :smokin.

good memories this song conjures up....damn. it'll never be like those nights again.
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My life period.

You enter the world alone with empty hands, you leave this world alone with empty hands.
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Without material possessions, money, who are you?

How do you define self-worth?
-One that stands tall regardless of circumstances.
-Living for yourself. Being comfortable in your own skin is something that's needed for survival in this judgmental society. I don't need to justify my actions to no one cause like my man Hov say, "the truth needs no explanation."
-Being a loving person.
-Not being a hater. What's the point of acknowledging something you don't like? Wasted energy.
-Being an open-minded individual.

In short, being based. :pimp:
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