What Movie Are You Ready For in '08????

Jun 17, 2005
I know everyone is ready for the Dark Knight and believe me, I AM TOO, but what other movies are people anxious to see in '08.
Here are a few on my list:
10,000 B.C.
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
X-Men: Wolverine
Iron Man
Bond 22

What is are some other movies that everyone else is anticipating for 2008
Dark Knight is #1 on my list.
maybe Speed Racer 9once I see a trailer), probably Iron Man.
Semi Pro cause of Will Ferrell
Indiana Jones
Prince Caspian
Pineapple Express
nice avy ridallen. Eraserhead.
I thought the trailer for 10,000 BC looked absolutely horrible.
and JJ Abrams ain't ropin me into Cloverfield. It'll probably turn out to be the Smoke Monster from Lost.

I THOUGHT THE XMEN MOVIES WERE DONE!!! gotta see the new one!

iron man should be good.

Dark Knight sounds okay. but whats it about?

I dunno about that ONE MISSED CALL movie...might be okay.
Batman Begins Part II
Iron Man
The Eye
10,000 BC
Prince Caspian
Incredible Hulk
uh... the new x-men movie isn't coming out till 09'. Its X-Men Origins: Wolverine, if anybody was interested.
In no particular order:

Dark Knight
Indiana Jones
Harold and Kumar
Speed Racer
That one movie with the students from MIT that go to Vegas (21 or something)
Man just watched The Dark Knight trailer like 5 times, Joker looks so tight. Who would have ever thought that the Joker would be Heath Ledger
Harold and Kumar 2
Harold And Kumar 2.
Iron man.
Ace Ventura 3
Halo(just curious)
Maybe Jurassic park IV
I heard a green lantern movie is coming out.
Underworld 3:rise of the lycans
10,000 B.C.
incredible hulk
punisher 2

And that is my list.
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Ace Ventura 3
Harold And Kumar 2.
Dark Knight
Brazilian Job (sequel to Italian Job)
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