What Music Do you Play Around Your kids?

Apr 18, 2008
Aight, well, I don't have a child but I pretty much spend all day wit' my nephew. He could dance before he could walk
because my mom and I play music ALOT around him, and not that BSBarney or Dora the Explora bulls*** either
Given that I am a girl, I have a plethora of female artists and this is what I play around him. Asignorant as this may sound, I don't want him to grow up soft though----but maybe I'm just being paranoid? I wouldn't play the radio around himjust because I personally wouldn't want my lil' man's first words to be "wet-wet" or "ella." Maybe I'll play some Commonand Gnarls around him to even it out

anyways, are you guys as careful or does anything go? I feel like this should be an interesting topic
not yet, my daughter only 8 months. i play whatever. i just now have to disconnect my 12's in the trunk when she in the car with me, bass will hit too hardand bust her drums ....smh
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

not yet, my daughter only 8 months. i play whatever. i just now have to disconnect my 12's in the trunk when she in the car with me, bass will hit too hard and bust her drums ....smh

Lil' man been listenin' to music since he came out the womb
I played Stevie Wonder for him his first night out the hospital.
I got a lil boy- 1 and my daughter's- 2 and I play whatever I want to in the house.... sometimes if I know that it's real vulgar then I might turn itdown or just skip it. And they know damn near every song on the radio
It's hard but alot of times, I'll switch it to the R&B/Oldies type station.

Earlier - I was playing that first Goodie Mob album (select songs). This morning, we cleaned the house to Little Brother.

You kinda have to pick & choose once they get over age 4-5 b/c they DO pick up on everything.
Erykah Badu- Worldwide Underground
My son absolutely LOVES Go DJ by Weezy. every time he gets in the Impala... " daddy I wanna hear GO DJ!" I have to act like I cant find the CDsometimes.
He also loves "Good Life" by TI f/ Common
But other than that I try to avoid the vulgar stuff cause he will get me in trouble repeating stuff around my mom. I dont want no trouble. I might just turnon the radio because it's edited, but we will NOT listen to that bullish. caught him singin some crap about inside peanut butter, outside jelly... I said@@!? No souljaboy, etc. I let my son know what real music is... Jay, Kast, etc...
Originally Posted by johngotty

It's hard but alot of times, I'll switch it to the R&B/Oldies type station.

You kinda have to pick & choose once they get over age 4-5 b/c they DO pick up on everything.

I see myself being like that ... my daughter is only around 1... so it's whatever now ... but when she turn 2/3 ... it'll be my R&B playlistson the ipod ... oldies ... John Mayer ...
I personally dont got no kids as of now...but I can tell you I'd listen 2 the same $#!+ (hip-hop, lil rock) with him/her around...better than them growinup on Soulja Boy or some such gahbage...
My daughter is 3...and i refuse to let her listen to most of the $#*! on the radio, but when she's around her mother she hears most of the $#*! anyway.

And for some reason she loves Adam Levine's voice. Even though i'm tired of Dora The Explorer it's safe. She be bilingual in no time
Originally Posted by innocentmanse7en

I personally dont got no kids as of now...but I can tell you I'd listen 2 the same $#!+ (hip-hop, lil rock) with him/her around...better than them growin up on Soulja Boy or some such gahbage...

You know, I used to think the same type thing but it's not generally true. Depending on how you grew up, you might choose not to expose your kid toharsh language past the age of 3-4, when they're cognizant of "bad words." My pops was far from an angel, but he didn't expose us to it.
Plus, if you have a conscience, it will occur to that after your favorite rapper says "MF" for the 5th time in 2 mins that it just might notbe right for your kid to be hearing it.

Just my .02.
Originally Posted by johngotty

Originally Posted by innocentmanse7en

I personally dont got no kids as of now...but I can tell you I'd listen 2 the same $#!+ (hip-hop, lil rock) with him/her around...better than them growin up on Soulja Boy or some such gahbage...

You know, I used to think the same type thing but it's not generally true. Depending on how you grew up, you might choose not to expose your kid to harsh language past the age of 3-4, when they're cognizant of "bad words." My pops was far from an angel, but he didn't expose us to it.
Plus, if you have a conscience, it will occur to that after your favorite rapper says "MF" for the 5th time in 2 mins that it just might not be right for your kid to be hearing it.

Just my .02.
And I can feel that. But IMO...they just words. They gonna hear em somewhere else anyway...long as they dont use em at me, they mom, or selectedelders, I'm good tho.
I play Common, Mos, Talib, alicia, chrissete, Jay, Kanye... alotta concious rap around my niece cause I want her to be a genius lol,
but yet I kinda fall back and just turn it to the gospel station at times
I'm kinda surprised at some of the music you all are choosing to play around your young children. Obviously you can't shield or protect them fromeverything, but if you have the option in something like your own car as to what you choose to listen to, why not play something "kid friendly?" Idon't buy "well, they'll hear it sooner or later," because that's an easy cop-out to compensate for poor parenting. If you can control it(music in your house, car, etc), then good decisions should be made as to what you expose your children to.

They gonna hear em somewhere else anyway...long as they dont use em at me, they mom, or selected elders, I'm good tho.

I would almost guarantee that they WILL use the words that they hear. Kids are sponges for just about everything. Sometimes they use words that they have noidea what they mean. It can be looked at as innocent, but in the grand scheme of things you have to be careful with what you say because your kids will mimicyou.
I play just about everything around my son, my daughters too young right now. Mostly reggae though, if we did play something he shouldn't hear I know for afact he would never repeat it, he's almost 7. If it's not reggae we just play the radio stations on digital cable. If he hears a cuss he'll go
I'm probably going to do the same thing my parents did, Berlioz to Bathory and everything in between.
play him some wu-tang

he wont end up soft that way

anyways when i ever im around my young siblings or any kid in general, i usually listen to artists like the fugees, atcq, lauryn hill, k-os, erykah badu,common, etc etc basically music that doesnt over do it on the cursing
What DoubleJ said.

Also, just b/c you're not saying them, if they hear you condoning/enjoying it by playing it, they're going to form a judgment about it.

It's no big deal to me. I think w/age & realizing what's what, you just start to realize w/all the effed up stuff in this world, you don't wantto be the one exposing your child to even more it.
I think w/age & realizing what's what, you just start to realize w/all the effed up stuff in this world, you don't want to be the one exposing your child to even more it.
That's pretty much what it comes down to in my eyes. I don't have kids, and won't have them for quite some time (hopefully). ButI've already hit that (st)age where I know I'm blessed and LUCKY to be in the position I'm in. I don't think my kids will be half as smart as Iam in terms of knowing right from wrong, street smarts, and being smart about things. I grew up listening to Big/Pac and WU and went all the way into RageAgainst the Machine and Pink Floyd. Me and my dude was always (always) up on music growing up and my mom hated it because she would overhear lyrics thatwere...a little bit on the bad side.

We used to fight about it and I told her my kids would have free reign to listen to it, because they'd hear it anyway from school/friends/TV. That wasprobably 10 years ago. Now? She was right 100%. The stuff I grew up listening to, the things I saw on TV, the friends I had...there is NO way I should haveturned out as well as I have. She knows she got lucky, and now I realize I got lucky.

She was just trying to do what all good parents try to do-protect their kids from things that can hurt them. Something as small as that CAN be the one thingthat gets a kid on the wrong path.

Just my .02. Interesting post by the way. Got me thinking hard at 5:30am
My 5 year old is obbsessed with daft punk. Hates kanye. Sunday in my house is music day, all day i jam music. the rotation kinda goes daft punk, norah jones,80s music all genres, bob marley (my 6 month old loves bob), capelton, sizzla, bb king, miles davis, minnie ripperton, elton john, bjork. these are artist mykids enjoy. of course i listen to hip hop/rap but not that much around my kids not because the verbal content but because my 5 year old is becoming capable toidentify samples and she dosent understand that its ok to sample. she gets really upset and say that the artist is stealing or he/she is messing up my song.Thats the main reason she hates kanye.
my 5 year old is becoming capable to identify samples and she dosent understand that its ok to sample. she gets really upset and say that the artist is stealing or he/she is messing up my song. Thats the main reason she hates kanye.

The music selection you have sounds good for kiddos. I'm going to put together a couple CDs from that now.
When I was 2-5 yrs old my cousins and brother were listening to 2 Live Cru, N.W.A., P.E. so I heard a bunch of stuff I wasn't supposed to. I think I turnedout fine. I actually think listening to all that music helped with my development. I remember knowing like most of the lyrics to the tracks they were playing.

I'm sure classical music would be more beneficial to a child, but anything playing will help the kid.
Originally Posted by djryan614

My son absolutely LOVES Go DJ by Weezy. every time he gets in the Impala... " daddy I wanna hear GO DJ!" I have to act like I cant find the CD sometimes.

That's cute.
my little nephew LOVES "let the bodies hit the floor", you can put the song on replay for an hour and he will still get mad if it gets changed.
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