What number did you wear when you played sports?

High School - #24 (for Demsond Mason)
College - #7 (current) Practice gear I'm #17, the 7 for those was too small.
I wore number 10 in every sport I played except in the 6th grade I had to were 34 because 10 was already taken.
Baseball- 44 (i wanted 24 so bad because of Griffey and Mays [i played CF as well] but Hammerin' Hank is no slouch)
Basketball- 3 & 5

no idea what i was in other sports...
Basketball...I don't even remember what I wore on JV

Varsity I grabbed #32 though...I'm a T-Wolves fan and they were just off their WCF run, I got the 32 and people started calling me Hoiberg
so I madesure to grab it senior year as well.
#24 for everything (Griffey and Mashburn) except for football, started off with # 12 then switched it up to #8 (played QB, so no 24).

for all the basketball ive played, i have been number 50, 95, 13, 91. the 95 was in a park league and we all had numbers up in the 90s
. my 91 is fordennis rodman! he is a beast.
I used to wear #23 for obvious reasons until someone stole it. So I put on a #14 and hit a buzzer beater to win the game that same night that I first got thejersey. So i wore #14 ever since.
soccer when i was kid - #5

football in high school - #74, no real reason but i liked the way it looked when i was a freshman and it just stuck.
I currently sport Number 8 like kobe in my ball league , My fave number is 9 though, i rarely get it though
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