What Puff Daddy did with Led Zeppelin is unforgivable...

Pt 2, Yuku is being weird

Seriously though


I always knew Puff sampled Zeppelin in a song... but I hadn't heard it until now.

Worst song ever... YELLING THROUGH A MEGAPHONE THE WHOLE TIME, terrible lyrics, terrible video, terrible movie...

It just shows how quickly a rapper can take one of rock's greatest songs made by some of the greatest musicians to touch the Earth, and corrupt it in about30 minutes by switching some drums up.

and what Led Zeppelin did to those artists whose songs Led stole and didn't give credit to until recently is unforgivable.
I'm just trying to figure how you just now realized that it bit off Zeppelin. That's not a good look on your musical knowledge if you didnt recognizethat riff. He wasn't trying to hide it, the song featured Jimmy Page.
I always knew it bit off Zep, I just didn't know it was so bad.

I just recently listened to it for the first time since Godzilla came out and my easily impressionable 6th grade self thought it was a good song.
I was just thinking about making this post last night as I was listening to Physical Graffiti. I was talking to my friend who claims to be a big zeppelin fanon aim and he said he didn't think it was a big deal. I almost e-slapped him. It could have been a pass if they would not have completely butchered thesong with this bs. Did anyone like this song?
My dad raised me on certain classic artists , one of them being Led Zepplin , so #*+ like this has always been blasphemous in my household. what Diddy songisn't terrible. Also Diddy's cologne is called "Unforgivable" thought it was funny that you used that choice of words.
I liked Diddys song when it came out years ago before I even listened to LZ.
Now hearing it again and being a big LZ fan this makes me

What was Page thinking..?
Originally Posted by Biggmyke

I'm just trying to figure how you just now realized that it bit off Zeppelin. That's not a good look on your musical knowledge if you didnt recognize that riff. He wasn't trying to hide it, the song featured Jimmy Page.

yeah...honestly, when you hear that you think of zep first. not diddy.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I'd say Zeppelin LETTING him do that to their song is more deplorable than what Puff did.

yeah, I guess i'd agree with that to a degree.
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

My dad raised me on certain classic artists , one of them being Led Zepplin , so #*+ like this has always been blasphemous in my household. what Diddy song isn't terrible. Also Diddy's cologne is called "Unforgivable" thought it was funny that you used that choice of words.

pun intended maybe? but damn i totally forgot about this song.
Originally Posted by Plan Beats

Led Zeppelin were biters too.

Listen to the song Taurus by the band Spirit, and then listen to Stairway to Heaven, which wasn't released until 3 years after the Spirit song.

It still takes skill to perform it... Puff brings his worst with some paddy-cake rhymes and calls it a wrap.
Originally Posted by sdsualum

and what Led Zeppelin did to those artists whose songs Led stole and didn't give credit to until recently is unforgivable.

yeah seriously

F*** Led Zepplin. They stole like half their their GOOD catalogue. But I will say this....theyare the greatest cover band to ever do it
at you just now making a big deal about this. I suppose by new year's eve you'll have a post saying what Diddy did to the Police song he dedicatedto BIG was unforgivable too?
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

at you just now making a big deal about this. I suppose by new year's eve you'll have a post saying what Diddy did to the Police song he dedicated to BIG was unforgivable too?

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