What recent releases had YOU the most-hyped?

Since we're adding some non-shoe stuff, I have to say I'm really excited about the new Alfa Romeo line-up coming to the U.S.

If this doesn't quicken your pulse, I don't know what will...
Originally Posted by DuvalDboi

I don't think a lot of people were really amped as much as I was when the Royal Blue V's dropped a couple years back. They're my favorites.

The other sneakers would be those Navy Blue Canvas AF1s and them Playoff VIII's: Still ain't got either of em.

Those were mine too. I was so sad when i found out someone stole them out of my closet when i was out of town.

Really the only thing i have been hyped up about were Vday shoe releases, and then once i saw them, i was over it. none really appealed to me
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