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Prince - Pop Life


This song was originally supposed to be an Usher record but Babyface gave it to Tevin when La Reid and Babyface broke up.

I can’t see Usher doing this record and justice.

Not to take away from Tevin cause he killed it but Usher woulda killed it to.

Music is rife with stories like this. The Justin Timberlake tracks from his debut Senorita, Like I Love You, & couple of other tracks were intended for Michael Jackson but his people turned them down.

Usher’s You Don’t Have To Call & I Don’t Know were also intended for Mike but again his people turned them down.

If you listen to those songs, you can really here they were intended for MJ especially the bridge of each song... Sad really. MJ had such bad people around him in his later yrs that not only killed his career but actually killed him...

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