what the hell are you gonna do when you're pissed as hell and it's raining outside??

Dec 1, 2004
ok so im pissed off.. like way beyond aggravated...

its mother $!$*%$$ sunday night and its storming outside. i want to do something. i don't have weed and i dont have any alcohol.

what the %$!! is there to do....................

i hate liars.

and don't say rub one out.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

you seriously need a %**$#+$ blog.

i do.

and this is my first post in how many days?
rub 2 out i guess
j/k. idk play a game on your computer. watch some sports. call somebody. sleep.
i don't know, but lets try it again and i'll keep count.. go for longer this time
listen to eminem rapping about killing his mom and wife

just listen to music and try to go to sleep
Play a game..watch a movie?
Invite some people over..... cook somthing that take a long time to prepare
weed and alcohol wont solve it bro...its mothers day over here and i thought i was the one only have problems on mothers day.
i just went to a mariners game against the sox and me and 4 ppl kill 3 bottles through out the day and on the way down there.
my sister and her bf get into it so i never know when to jump in then she gets us kicked out for cussing and cussing at security.
then they fight all the way to the parking lot and on the drive home me and her start fighting about every thing in the past +
she tries to jump out the car at a red light ppl are cussing from the car to random ppl im just going crazy meanwhile.
we finally get home and she pisses my mom off, my mom starts yelling at me i go drink some more and somehow piss everyone off?
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