What to do?? Short term memory loss...

May 1, 2007
Met this chick... Got the digits.

Can't remember her name.
Should I just ask her name when I call? or is that a bad move??
Similiar thing happened to me. Luckily, it was in class and I overheard her reveal her name to some other girl a week or two later. Eventually she asked mewhat her name was but I was prepared lol.

The whole time I thought of Seinfeld.. "It rhymes with a part of the female anatomy"
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Don't say her name.
bingo. she will eventually tell you her name.
cosign let her say her name. if you ask her how to spell it there is a possibility she may ask "how did you spell it??" then you'rescrewed
My roommate showed me a trick (only works in person tho)

he met this chick and forgot her name, so he took me to her room and had my introduce myself. i did and of course she did back.
pretty smooth.

does she have ur #? if so just wait for her to text/call u, then just ask 'who's this? new fone/sim/etc, lost all my contacts'.
Originally Posted by imajaywalker

does she have ur #? if so just wait for her to text/call u, then just ask 'who's this? new fone/sim/etc, lost all my contacts'.

and we have winner!
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