What to study for ACT?

Nov 5, 2012
yo im trying to get into college (Mizzou) and i gota get a decent act score so

my dad gave me this

 i dunno if thats gonna be enough or not i got untill july to take it

if yall got some tips or some other books i can study holla back at me

Not sure what type of learner or test taker you are but the Science section killed me.. I ended up with a 27 which I was pleased with, Science and Math though really brought me down. I got a 35 on my Reading and pretty high on the English and did really poorly on the Science with a 19 maybe? something along that line. If you feel Reading and English are your strong points like me I wouldn't worry about those too much I didn't study and did fine with those(Humble Brag) but focus on the science and math in that practice book if you aren't too comfortable with them
yo good looking out i can study for that science far as Reading and English im straight 

BUT i do know that math is gona kick my *** on that so ima study that the most. 

thanks for the tip 

hate standardize testing 
yo good looking out i can study for that science far as Reading and English im straight 
BUT i do know that math is gona kick my *** on that so ima study that the most. 

thanks for the tip 

Yeah man even the SAT math was rough for me.. if you feel confident with english and reading i wouldnt even sweat it if i were you.. good luck bruh hope everything turns out well
Know the scientific method and how to implement it with an experiment. That part kicked my *** (control group, variable group, etc)

I got a 28 on it tho.
Know the scientific method and how to implement it with an experiment. That part kicked my *** (control group, variable group, etc)
I got a 28 on it tho.
yeeeeaaaaa that **** right there!!!

i remember that but not a clue how to do it
Got a 30 cuz science wrecked me, only got a 25 on that section. It's all pretty basic stuff as far as bio and chem go, I just forgot it all
I never understood this, is the ACT a replacement/alternative to the SAT? :nerd: Is one considered superior to the other?
Practice tests are the best way to prepare for standardized tests, once you feel you have most of the material understood.

If you feel like you still need to review and understand the material, you may need to get a review book. Something like this:

Amazon product ASIN 0768926750
You have until July so that's plenty of time. So much time that you'll probably procrastinate and not study seriously until you setup a legitimate schedule. So do that; make a daily study schedule and plan to take a practice test under real testing conditions every couple of weeks to see your progress until the test date.
Ight brah, ACT is pretty easy if you understand what you're doing...

Math is generally easy, and questions 50-60 are probably the hardest because they deal with trigonometry and some basic algebra 2. 1-40 is just pre algebra, algebra 1, and geometry so I guess remembering sohcahtoa and some other small area formulas help you.

Science isn't what you know, but how you interpret the graphs and the words in the questions.. Don't bother reading the info they give you as an insight to the topic, go straight to the questions to save time.

Reading is easy, just read and write down the idea of each paragraph on the side and then go back to the text when looking for answers, it'll save even more time.

English is just knowing basic grammar, not like the SAT where its a vocab test.

I used the princeton 1296 ACT review and some other book to boost my score up from a 32 to 34 in like 4 months, which was good enough for me. Get on that adderall too, because it helps to be honest lol :smokin
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Ight brah, ACT is pretty easy if you understand what you're doing...
Math is generally easy, and questions 50-60 are probably the hardest because they deal with trigonometry and some basic algebra 2. 1-40 is just pre algebra, algebra 1, and geometry so I guess remembering sohcahtoa and some other small area formulas help you.
Science isn't what you know, but how you interpret the graphs and the words in the questions.. Don't bother reading the info they give you as an insight to the topic, go straight to the questions to save time.
Reading is easy, just read and write down the idea of each paragraph on the side and then go back to the text when looking for answers, it'll save even more time.
English is just knowing basic grammar, not like the SAT where its a vocab test.
I used the princeton 1296 ACT review and some other book to boost my score up from a 32 to 34 in like 4 months, which was good enough for me. Get on that adderall too, because it helps to be honest lol
.............. **** man you gota 34? i thought you couldnt go past 30 .

thanks for the help bro 

another question 

whats the difference between ACT and SAT?

Some schools require different tests, like one school might prefer one over the other, or accept both. From what I've heard, the ACT is easier than the SAT. I dunno why, I only took my SAT and SAT 2.
Also, the ACT has a science part that the SAT does not, furthermore, you can take your ACT WITHOUT writing, but most schools will require you to take your ACT+Writing so I don't know why that it is even an option.

I think that's all...

EDIT: Oh yeah and everyone is right, the best way to study is to do timed tests. Get familiar with the time constraints and you'll be fine. Seriously, take like one practice test a week!
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