What type of combo-ed ball-player are you?

Darius Miles.

I stand around on D, and really only exert myself if I know I am going to have an open dunk. Once I get it, I procede to talk trash, then get scored on a fewtimes in a row.
i play like Odom with a better J
i think im versatile..im 6'4 so if i need to play post for my team im cool with that
...or if its a bigger(height wise) team ill run our offense or run the 2/3 if we need perimeter shooting
Dont really assert myself on D haha
On the offensive end I'm like Mark Jackson I take little guards to the paint and abuse them because I have very good moves in the paint. I lock people downlike Gary Payton. I'm a past first point guard and I see the floor well. I can get off my self but I like to get everybody in the game because basketballis a team game and I never put myself over the team.
i play D like bruce bowen
gotta decent passing game
my offense is more like Bibby i can shoot from anywhere and my drive game is decent.
i just need to work on my hops a lil bit n lose some weight n ill be even better
i'm like a 5'7 sasha vujacic

-i'm a good shooter, but can be terrible in certain games.
-my ball handling isn't that great.
-i'm a decent passer, nothing amazing or terrible.
-i'll grab a decent amount of rebounds during the course of a game.
-average on defense at best.
It's gonna depend on where you see me and the level of competition.

If you see me going hard in a gym with real comp...you'll probably leave with a high level of respect for everything in my game other than shooting 3's

If you see me playin against people I decided aren't on par with me...I'll pretty much practice against them until somebody better gets there.

At my most athletic, I'm probably a scary dude to play against because I take off at random times...it's always fun to act like I'm gonna dunk andthen lay it up...

I really avoided the question if I was supposed to compare myself to an NBA player...eh watever
GINOBILI!!!!!!! im left handed and make mad OC layups. i have also been called mike bibby or steve nash. i think its only because im white and i can throw somecrazy dime passes. it depends on my mood. if someone is talking trash then im gonna just shoot and drive and not pass no matter what. if im having fun then imthrowing chris paul no look passes off the bounce one handed with my eyes closed
Play D when i can get a block or a steal, love when the team opts for that zone D
Inside 8 ft i can finish in crazy ways like Jamison, ppl dont see the shots coming they go up so quick
Mid-range game can be deadly or i wont be able to make $3^%
I got the 3ball game of a Villanueva, either on or off
Passing & Taking Charge ability of - Michael Finley
Low-Post of- Kwame Brown
Defense of- Nate Robinson
Dribble and Shot of- CDR
Rebounding & Concentration of- Roy
Well I D up real hard(personal challenges ftw), am a pass first point guard with a decent driving/midrange game, rebound pretty good for my size. Therefore Ihave come to the conclusion that I play like either Chris Paul or Andre Miller...
Originally Posted by The Wizard

Shoot like Rondo
Attack the hoop like AI
Finish like Kwame

I'm going to be honest, most of the time when I'm on the court, I'm oblivious to what is going on around.

Most honest answer in this thread.
I'm the one no one pays attention to. Scoring option number 4 or 5 in a pick up game. I just play D and run around. Shoot threes. Like RajaBell....

I wanna be more like Ray or Rip though.
Originally Posted by the north west

pass first point guard that loves to play D

sometimes I like to get my Rip/Reggie on and just run catch and shoot

Me in a nutshell tho I like to penetrate that paint as if it was new @+%*!
-Physically I'm 5'9 and 170...barley any muscle. I was at 205 in february but have toned down and noticed my fatigue and quickness are much better thanbefore.
-I have a decent mid-range game and can hit the three, but I can be streaky and can sometimes lack the ability to finish in the lane
-My handle is average at best. I can dribble up the floor but would defintely prefer no pressure in the backcourt. I have a nice stepback jumper but I'mnot doing too much more off the dribble.
-I have excellent technique boxing my man out for rebounds, but can sometimes be simply outjumped to the basketball. I can grab rebounds and create space formy taller teammates to grab boards, though.
-I am an average passer, I can effectively feed the post and can time my passes well to people coming off of screens. I am pretty effective running the fastbreak against mismatches (2 vs 1, 3 vs 2 etc). I can also navigate zone defenses, picking my spots to break them down using the high post.
-I am an excellent screener, I think I'm a perfect player to work the pick and roll with. I am very unselfish. If we are winning I'll gladly give up mybody for the W. I set effective backscreens, ballscreens, you name it I get the job done...
-My off-ball defense is pretty good, because I would much rather defend you without the ball
. I struggle to guard fast guards. I can effectively guardpost players (as best as I can for my size...I'm only 5'9) and players who like hanging around the perimeter who can't create their own shot, but Iam defintely not the ideal defender to guard someone who is effective off the dribble
-I am an excellent helpside defender who will be aware of everything going on around the court. I will make effective rotations and contest shots that shouldbe easy layups for my opponents.
-I am always intense and hustling on both sides of the ball. "Coach on the floor" type player who isin't afraid to get in teammates faces if theyaren't giving 100%

idk...just gave you my scouting report without trying

Hell I might have to go with Sam Cassell too although he's looked so old lately
Anyone have a better comparison for me?
shooting--- HORRIBLE (form like Shawn Marion)
post game-- decent, could be better
defense-- on point, i have a long reach so i can get to a lot.
rebounding-- also on point
passing/finding the open man-- also a strong part of my game
getting everyone involved on offense- A+
Attitude on the court of Rasheed

also, pretty good speed

I guess you can say Im a Renaldo Balkman with better passing, and better rebounding.
Physical - I'm 5'10 and 170 pounds. Really lanky and I have good speed.
Shooting - I have a good mid-range game and can hit the three when I'm open. Score more of my points driving it into the lane though.
Post Game - I would say I have a good post game. I can finish with both hands and have good post moves.
Defense - Probably the weakest aspect of my game. Tend to slack off a lot on D, but I'm decent off ball.
Rebounding - I'll grab a decent amount of rebounds in a game.
Passing - Pass first kind of guy. I run the fast breaks and can feed it down into the post. Stronger part of my game.

Not sure who I play like though. Probably like a skinny Shawn Marion with a better jumper and better passing skills minus the defense.
I'm 6'4 1/2

220 LBS

Peeps call me the white Lamar Odom, nice all around game

I wish I had better perimiter D, but that really all comes down to effort
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