What was life like in the 90s? Vol. Old heads chime in

Yeah buddy wild for that theory. I didn't even want to touch that one.
Remember Brazilian waxes didnt come on the scene until about 2002. Back in the day, a chick would try to shave her butt...and instantly regret it. The stubble itched like crazy when it grew back in. Only reason i know this is cause i had an older gay homie who would get invited to slumber parties where he was the only N' present and the next day he would give me summaries about the discussions that took place. Hell dude is in his late 30s and still goes to the slumber parties. They're usually sponsored by big companies like PureRomance and they sell all kinds of sex toys and accesories.

Skincare as a whole was in the dark ages. You had millionaires like Sean "Diddy" Combs, Jessica Simpson and Alicia Keys walking around with Pizza Faces.

Whens the last time you seen a commercial for hemmorhoid cream? Exactly...
Piggybacking off the white women mass subject, Wet Wipes had just been invented and werent a common household item. This is why "eating the booty" didnt go mainstream till the mid 2010s. Hygiene was really primitive, it was the combination of cleaner, white butts being pushed into popular culture that made it a trend to be reckoned with.
Music. Almost every genre was well represented and had some success. From the Seattle scene to rap and R & B. Even country music was mainstream enough that I knew who a few of the artist were. There was almost too much to keep up with.

People went outside more. My whole neighborhood felt like one big family. Kids were always outside playing ball listening to music or doing whatever. All you had to do was step outside and you'd find something to do with someone. You were never bored.

Kinda funny we were oblivious to the fact that violent crime was way worse back then, though, so it wasn't all lollipops and rainbows. I think where you lived definitely affected how you saw this. Some towns like Houston were wild back in the day.
Bottom line is this, the 90’s and early 2000’s had the perfect mixture of technology and experience. Everything you did requires some sort of life experience. For example, Getting music meant you had to get your *** to the mall by bus or walking. Then when you bought the CD you didn’t know what the hell 14 of the 15 tracks were. Just had to take a risk. You’ll remember the experience of getting the CD than you will the damn music. Can y’all even imagine that now? You cant convince someone to watch a video online if it takes 1min to load.
Born in 85, I'll never forget how fun it was to play outside until it was dark.

Would play with all kids in my apartment complex, we'd play handball, hide n go seek, run around.

Nowadays, would never let my kids play outside without me.
Some coworkers and I were just talking about this Friday. Kids used to go outside and be OUT. Whole adventures took place. One of them was saying it was safer back then. It really wasn’t. We just didn’t have 4896269931690521 news outlets reporting any and everything violent, trying to scare you into staying in and watching them.
Think kids are just different now. If someone came to mess with me they’d have about 8-9 other kids to deal with. Now I think their friends would just record the abduction to post online for views. *OMG look what happened to ME today! And top 5 ab workouts*
Born in 87, came to shime in and already knew my answer would be said by everyone... playing outside with friends was the best thing ever and just felt safe. I know kids still trick-or-trick at night (start way earlier now then I remember though) but I felt like we would be outside until 10 or even close to 11:00 without any parents and hit every house in the hood..
Man hunt use to be the **** to with a bunch of kids hiding in peoples yards with no damns given haha. I know it sounds cliche specially since I’m older with responsibilities but it just felt like “simpler times”
Pro Wrestling had 2 great eras during the 90s.

The early 90s WWF Scene: Hogan, Savage, Ultimate Warrior (TO name a Few)
Monday Night Wars.

(Even though during the early 2000s it seemed like so many people watched wrestling. (Women included)

But those two eras are held in high regard by wrestling fans. Sure, everything doesn't translate when viewed in 2021 goggles but back then, things were on point.
It bothers me seeing SO many empty basketball courts in the modern era. Courts used to stay packed when I was growing up, now people don't really hoop outside like that.
This part gets to me too. I'll go on long runs on weekends and pass by multiple (well-kept) courts, ball fields, etc and not a soul is on them. We used to have to damn near wait in a line to get on these fields. Now you can go months and never see anyone on there, and kids live all over still.

A lot of this stuff we talk about will eventually have it's reckoning. Media likes to talk about the effects social media and the internet has now? Wait 10 years. We've reprogrammed brains and behaviors and there is no turning back.

Anti-social used to be the weird one. Now it's flipped.
getback getback

All TGIF shows are on HULU. I have been going through them.

Family @matters7 ; Full House; Hanging with Mr. Cooper; Step by Step

Saved by the Bell on Saturday Mornings. Baywtch and American Gladiators.

My brain only allows me to watch old shows during the time in which they came on when I was younger.

Stuff definitely holds up as well.
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