What was more revolutionary? French revolution or the American revolution?


Nov 7, 2012
So me and some other dude in my class were having a big debate on which was more revolutionary. I sided with the french and he sided with the americans.

Whats your opinion NT? 
So me and some other dude in my class were having a big debate on which was more revolutionary. I sided with the french and he sided with the americans.

Whats your opinion NT? 
The American Revolution as the catalyst for the French Revolution.

The American Revolution overthrew the most powerful military in existence. The French overthrew the French.
Before the American Revolution there was no concept of freedom. The USA has taken mankind to the next level. Once all other nations are free like America there will be a utopia.
So me and some other dude in my class were having a big debate on which was more revolutionary. I sided with the french and he sided with the americans. HELP ME OUT WITH MY HOMEWORK. LOLOLOLLOL

Whats your opinion NT? 
I think the enlightment was the decisive movement, which first resulted in the french, then the american revolution. The notion's were the important, which where actually kind of similar and the timing was pretty simultaneous as well.
American - Established their freedom from the British.
French - The beheading of King Louie XVI
The revolution within the American revolution.

Black Brigade :pimp:
The American Revolution influenced the French to begin their own revolution and overthrow the monarchy...
soo I think I would go with America
I think the French Revolution was more sever and much more bloody, but in terms of 'revolutionary' ideas, the American Revolution brought more to the table.
The french helped us gain our independence and we in turn helped them gain theirs. So it's all good in my book. :smokin
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