What was the most expensive thing you bought for a girl? Vol. not in a relationship

Jun 19, 2006
$100, Uggs for a girl I knew for 5+ years since my freshman year in highschool. Her birthday passed 2 days ago and its Christmas. I use this excuse to justify my purchase and not regard myself as a simp.

What about you?
Chick I was messing with/known forever had a birthday...got her Monday Night Football tickets and an authentic Suh jersey cause she's a huge Lions fan

Stopped "talkin" to her but it wasn't a total loss...we had an awesome time at the game
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

$100, Uggs for a girl I knew for 5+ years since my freshman year in highschool. Her birthday passed 2 days ago and its Christmas. I use this excuse to justify my purchase and not regard myself as a simp.

What about you?

You getting it in brah?
a Bit** i was talking to before was into art and drawing and i got her some special makers that cost 30 dollars
NOT in a relationship. Macbook & front row Beiber/SeanKingston tix (ended up going with though
Originally Posted by megatron

NOT in a relationship. Macbook & front row Beiber/SeanKingston tix (ended up going with though

, lets be friends. Are you gonna participate for next year's NT secret Santa? 
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

$100, Uggs for a girl I knew for 5+ years since my freshman year in highschool. Her birthday passed 2 days ago and its Christmas. I use this excuse to justify my purchase and not regard myself as a simp.

What about you?

You getting it in brah?

I actually met her cause she was a friend of my ex. Although we got close and messed around, she wasn't willing to jeopardize her friendship with her. 
u people are gonna grill me for this...
150 dollar uggs and a 360 dollar ring, price was 1160 and we brought it down to 360, it was at St Thomas Caribbean 
Originally Posted by DomD

u people are gonna grill me for this...
150 dollar uggs and a 360 dollar ring, price was 1160 and we brought it down to 360, it was at St Thomas Caribbean 

Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by megatron

NOT in a relationship. Macbook & front row Beiber/SeanKingston tix (ended up going with though

 arent you in HS?

IluvJordanXI wrote:
Originally Posted by megatron

NOT in a relationship. Macbook & front row Beiber/SeanKingston tix (ended up going with though

, lets be friends. Are you gonna participate for next year's NT secret Santa? 

I did last year. I didn't want to participate this year, I suck at answering the survey thing.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DomD

u people are gonna grill me for this...
150 dollar uggs and a 360 dollar ring, price was 1160 and we brought it down to 360, it was at St Thomas Caribbean 

Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?

either someone is a great salesman or someone is a huge simp
$150+ on dinner.
and this was for a good friend that I liked and we weren't together all though it was sort of a date??
The most is like $10 max on food if they didn't have the money but that's about it.
edit: Forgot $40 is actually my max and it was a birthday gift.
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