What was your overall college GPA......And did it matter later on?

Jul 18, 2012
I hear most people say that your GPA doesn't really matter when it comes to applying for jobs.

Obviously I know it matters if you are aiming for medical school or a graduate program, but what about in the real world?

I'm going to graduate this year with around a 3.6
medschool here so i can only comment on anecdotal evidence of friends in other career paths

some have said yes and some have said no- generally the more you have to give you the leg up on the next person the better but with a 3.6 you shouldn't be sweating it either way
3.6 for me as well....it only mattered to me so far as helping getting me into grad school....not for a job as of yet.
2.8 with 24 more hours to graduate. It doesn't matter if you know the right people
Had a 3.4. Doesn't really matter unless the qualifications specifically ask for a certain GPA.
Im goin into my last few semesters and am sitting above a 3.0.

I feel like you're in good shape if you are > 3.0
Had a 3.4. Doesn't really matter unless the qualifications specifically ask for a certain GPA.
yeah, i know a lot of companies in my field expect a certain GPA, so i assume that's true for most fields. i got hired for an internship a couple years ago where they never once asked for my GPA.
I was able to land a job in the same field that I obtained my bachelors degree; throughout the hiring process there was no mention of my GPA - not on the application or during my interviews. The company didn't even see my transcript until a few weeks after I was hired. Said they just needed it for my file in HR. Go figure.
in community college, i think i had a 3.3 (might have been a 3.6)

at the university, 3.945...got one b and an A- smh
it didn't matter until i applied for grad school.

I still ended up getting the job i wanted too so its cool.
graduated with a 3.6. however, work experience is way more important. got my job after graduating as a business consultant/analyst after spending a full year interning.
I'm leaning on a 3.5-3.6 range. Since it matters for my first real job, I guess I will try to grind up a couple more points the next few years.
Graduated with a 3.4 and just landed my first job after exactly one month of interviews and rejections...

Seems like my extracurriculars and my internship played a big part in me even getting interviews
Depending on the field and major, there might be different expectations regarding GPA.
For example, there is more leeway when it comes to engineering majors compared to finance majors.
Personally, I don't think it matters after you land your first job.
im at a 2.957 or something like that should be 3.0 after summer and 3.1 after fall after my retakes. need it higher since im going for medical school hopefully end in 3.2 range and see what i can do after i graduate
Graduated with a 3.9.
It did not matter at all for the job. You just need to pass the interview. I knew people that had a 2.0 average in my class and got the job.
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