What was your starting salary after college?

Jan 5, 2013
Been on the job hunt like crazy this year. My goal is to find a decent job before graduation... To avoid the "what the **** am I going to do now" feeling I hear people talk about. What degrees did you guys get? What position did you land? If you don't mind disclosing, how much did you make? How was life for you living off this salary?
Outta college (fixed), I went into management training at pepsico for 55k salary. After certification a year later, I got a 15% raise and became bonus eligible, bumping me into the mid-70's.

I majored in marketing, but most of the marketing offers we're between 30-45k so I took a position in sales management for the cash. And I live in Seattle, so I'm pretty comfortable with what I make/my lifestyle.
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Studying psychology, was looking at jobs as a psychologist at the D.O.D and starting salaries were around 80-90k
$44k plus OT


Lived at home for a year to save
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im majoring in industrial manufacturing and technology managment with about a year left of school. im also a certified welder so finding a job shouldnt be too hard for my line of work

i have no idea what ill be making or where ill be working, but i love what i do so as long as im making more than what im making now, then ill be good with whatever 
BA in English Writing - Journalism. Work at a publishing company making between 35-40k. + a few side hustles. I'm just happy I have a decent job because my degree is in English :lol:
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$9.50/hr out of college. Hell, even now I have a hard time getting a job where the min education requirements is a HS diploma.
I went straight thru and graduated with my masters at age 23... Started off with a 40k salary but bumped it up to 50 with a part time....

My major is social work tho so I prolly will go back to school eventually...

Good luck with ur job search Phi use the bond and see if u can find some bruhs that know about jobs. My Klub got me my first job outta grad school an I'm forever grateful
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Making 40k in my first job out. I was a finance major, I work in accounts payable at an energy company now.
got my bachelors degree in Advertising/Marketing, got a job in my field 3 months after graduating and I make 40k. I live at home and will do so for a tad bit longer its been just over a year. Planning to find a new job in a different city to move out and start fresh
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