What was your starting salary after college?

Havent graduated yet (Aug.), but was offered a job at 72k with full benefits. I plan on getting Board Certified in Sports and Orthopedics, so I will be looking at 30k during my residency. :lol:

Physical therapy in NYC btw.
I'm a Physical Therapist Assistant in Alabama. Graduated and passed the boards last year, so I have about 9 months of experience. First job I was making a little over 47k in a SNF. My current job I will make a little over 52k in acute care. Full benefits for both jobs. Will be making a move out of Alabama eventually.

Any other physical therapist or physical therapist assistants on here?
Registered nurse. Started at 48K/year. With shift differential and overtime, I could make 90K+, but last year I made 65K without really putting in too much OT.
800/ monthly. I plan on going back to college. I majored in Criminal Justice then switched to Communications.
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My first job after graduation, I was making peanuts. Started off with 30K with benefits :x
Why should you stay away from gaming companies?

Graduated from college in '11 in communications, got a gig at 11 an hour, did one year total in grad school across two different grad programs, got another gig at 12 an hour. I'm 24, intern at a LA based shoe shoe chain unpaid and lost in this world :lol: if ANYONE has a plug or some advice, feel free to message me.

Guess I should update this:

First FULL TIME starting salary is 41k.
Making about tree-fiddy

On a serious note: people focus too much on their starting salary/title rather than getting a job for the experience and later exploring your options.
Stay humble, fellas. Take the best offer, or any offer that comes at you if they aren't coming.

BS/MS Civil Engineering. Going for my MSCE while still an undergrad taking 18-21 credit semesters.

I can get a good job with my BS with a decent starting salary (55k+), but it's a goal of mine to get my MS as soon as possible.

Be patient.
So true. I myself can even speak on this. Started working at an Ad Agency in Detroit making 32k, worked there grinding my a** off for a year a half and then had an agency out in LA reach out to me to come and move and make 60K. Needless to say thats where Im at today and I'm still humble just trying to climb the ladder at 24. Be patient, think too many people expect to have it all come to you at the start, it dont work that way..
I'm at a public university non-target with a 4.0 GPA and experience working in wealth management and bank treasury focused in fixed income securities.

I'm anticipating the analyst offer due to the nature of summer analyst process; the vast majority of bulge bracket firms (Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Bank of America, etc.) hire nearly 99% of their analysts from their summer analyst class or poach them from a competing bank's summer analyst class. Essentially, once you're a summer analyst, it's your job to lose. Therefore, barring I make any serious errors on the job, I'm expecting a full time offer by the end of the summer.

I'm graduating from high school and seeking to be an investment banking analyst, what're your tips. What classes should I take?
I graduated last June and took whatever position I could get at a computer company. Six months later I got moved to marketing which is more in line with my major (Psychology). Only bringing in around 40k at the moment but it pays all the bills. Its great experience which I am very thankful for, as a lot of my friends struggled to even find jobs. All I know is that I will keep at it and one day when everything truly falls into place, I'll be able to buy mom and pops a house and get going on my own.

Good luck to everyone out there. My best advice for now is to take what you can get. Most employers won't trust you with a huge sum of money unless you got years of experience going for you.
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I'm graduating from high school and seeking to be an investment banking analyst, what're your tips. What classes should I take?
Go to an IVY league school. I hear that it is extremely difficult to become an Investment banker from any other school. There are only 1 or 2 potential investment bankers at the business school I attend.
I never had a real job because i was always getting laid off or couldnt find anything permanent because i was doing temp jobs after i graduated... but ya graduated in 06 and now making 40k with benefits :smh:
I'm graduating from high school and seeking to be an investment banking analyst, what're your tips. What classes should I take?

Good to hear someone so young looking to be an analyst already. I would do my best to a top tier school and while evaluating I would be asking your prospective college choices who comes to interview often and making sure that Investment Banks interview there.

Any Business Finance classes you take will def help along with accounting. Being able to forecast and read and understand company funadmentals is always a good skill to have.

Also that is a tough road to take directly out of school. You should read this book called young money to give yourself an idea of what the culture will be like.

Amazon link: Amazon product ASIN 0446583251

But if anything your freshman year of college you need to be gunning for those internships hard, to give yourself a hands on experience of what is coming your way, and to get to know people already doing it.

What is your long term goal after, curious to hear?

Best thing you can honestly do is be yourself, be hungry and network.

Good luck young fella

Also 1st job outta school sat in the 65 -75 range when I was 22. Im still here by the way and am 25 making a new bigger number.
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Got my BA in Business Management and make 16K right now. Couldn't get a job in my field so now i'm in residential care. Still looking for internships and opportunities. Wanna double my annual salary. I'm 24, and turn 25 in July.
60k in LA is like 40k isnt it?
Depends on how you look at it. My rent is obviously higher than it was before but being close to work, 5 miles exactly I barely have to drive anywhere and I live on the beach. Gas is of course higher, but food is the exact same and booze is far cheaper here than in Chi or NYC lmfao first thing I noticed when moving here. Im doing just fine with 60 not struggling and doing as I please. Only city in my eyes you cant live off of 40-60k is NYC so dang expensive out there man dont see how some of yall do it.
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B.S. In economics

30k/year + a few income streams on the side to get around 35k as a hydroponic greenhouse manager
- 26, Graduated this last July

- Registered Nurse in So Cal

-66k Base salary (Assuming no OT, Double time) OT is 1.5x salary/hr double is 2x salary/hr. OT awarded when we go over 40 hrs/ week. Double awarded when we go over 12h/day.

For people considering internships, I think it's safe to say in almost any field, internship/externship is a good idea. Apply/look for jobs sooner rather than later, It's a cold world out there.
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