What would America be like If all the minorites moved away?

Feb 1, 2002

Not that it would ever happen but as you can see, there is room to move somewhere else, My question is would white people be happier? And no Im not talkingabout people with light or clear skin and straight hair, Im talking straight "Bob Miller" kind of white folk would be the only people in America.Would racism die? Would the economy survive? Post your thoughts
So only Caucasians are gonna live in this land you're speaking of? American just wouldn't be the same though. All the different faces and opinions makeAmerica what it is!
What a lot of people fail to realize is that it's not about ethnicity or the color of one's skin. The real war being fought is the rich vs the poor.Class-ism would replace racism is this imaginary America you speak of.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

What a lot of people fail to realize is that it's not about ethnicity or the color of one's skin. The real war being fought is the rich vs the poor. Class-ism would replace racism is this imaginary America you speak of.

In the words of Christopher Rock- Aint no white man would trade places with me AND IM RICH!!
Originally Posted by gambit215

It was a typo you derelicts
ok then what does clear skin mean? i think of clear skin in terms of not having pimples. either way, america would be boring. racism wouldprobably be worse, and the economy would definitely be worse.
Originally Posted by gambit215

It was a typo you derelicts
You can't mistype an incoherent thought.

Stringing together several incoherent thoughts is definitely an accomplishment, though.

Take a bow.

You deserve it.
Originally Posted by wrukus

ok then what does clear skin mean? i think of clear skin in terms of not having pimples. either way, america would be boring. racism would probably be worse, and the economy would definitely be worse.
Im gonna go on a limb here and say you arent black, I could be wrong, but anyway Growing up a black man in america, there is prejudice amongourselves as well, the lighter you are, the more admired you are, let me put it to you this way, let me put the word SOME cuz people here like to act stupidand play on peoples words, but someone looking like Al B. Sure think they are better than people that look like Flavor Flav, get it? so my point of this wholepost was that 70% of the population of America is white(caucasian, honky, white folk, whatever you label WHITE people), so what if the rest of the 30% movedaway?
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

What a lot of people fail to realize is that it's not about ethnicity or the color of one's skin. The real war being fought is the rich vs the poor. Class-ism would replace racism is this imaginary America you speak of.

In the words of Christopher Rock- Aint no white man would trade places with me AND IM RICH!!
I'd gladly trade places for a day, week, month, whatever. Skin color doesn't mean !$%@, to me at least. Like FB pointed out, the growinggap between the rich and the poor is the bigger problem.

On a related side note, yesterday at the UVA/Xavier basketball game, one of our players from Senegal fouled an Xavier player on a rebound. The ref took awhileto call the foul. Before he did this Xavier fan right in front of me said "call a foul on that MONKEY!"
The stares were priceless. Dude has been talking !$%@ all game too. Didn'tturn around and say one word after that. He's lucky he didn't.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I'd gladly trade places for a day, week, month, whatever. Skin color doesn't mean !$%@, to me at least. Like FB pointed out, the growing gap between the rich and the poor is the bigger problem.

Why you lying?This clips for you....................
everyone in america is technically an immigrant, except for the native inhabitants, which were immigrants at some point too.

so America would be barren if everyone left, and Mexico would take their land back, and it would be all gravy....
Originally Posted by gambit215

could be wrong, but anyway Growing up a black man in america, there is prejudice among ourselves as well, the lighter you are, the more admired you are,

That issue not unique to America.

In many places all around the planet, darker = working, rural class. So that phenomenon isn't exactly unique to America. Take into account the"white standard of beauty", which is essentially the manifestation of Western standards of beauty around the world, causing almost a self-loathingamong non-whites for having non-white physical features.
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