What would you do.. White woman in a Barbershop * Worldstar Vid.

:pimp: @ the dude who stuck up for the black guy though when the dad was berating him. Don't paint all white people as not accepting of black people; the video shows it's 50-50 in a white @#$ town in the middle of nowhere, so there's hope for people in a bigger city.

It's not always "racism" to want your kids to marry within your race though. Like others have said, sometimes old school people just want to preserve their cultures and feel like if their kids marry someone else, their family history will be lost forever.

For example my mom's family love my dad now, but when my parents got married, they were kinda iffy about it. Not to the point where they were shedding tears like the racist @#$@$@ in the Utah video, but they were afraid that the future generations wouldn't know their language and respect their ancestry. And sometimes I can't blame the way they think. My mom's cousin married a white woman and lives in Memphis; his kids grew up resenting his side of the family, calling them n_____s and @#$% :x

My mom and dad both put in the effort to learn each others' cultures and languages though, and they taught me and my siblings everything from both sides, so it's all good these days. :pimp:
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Came in expecting more smileys in the OP 

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As a group.. Black people are just more accepting of white people then vice versa...

I love to see when people give no dambs about skin color, and check others that do.

White, black, purple

lol this guy.
@ the dude who stuck up for the black guy though when the dad was berating him. Don't paint all white people as not accepting of black people; the video shows it's 50-50 in a white @#$ town in the middle of nowhere, so there's hope for people in a bigger city.

It's not always "racism" to want your kids to marry within your race though. Like others have said, sometimes old school people just want to preserve their cultures and feel like if their kids marry someone else, their family history will be lost forever.

For example my mom's family love my dad now, but when my parents got married, they were kinda iffy about it. Not to the point where they were shedding tears like the racist @#$@$@ in the Utah video, but they were afraid that the future generations wouldn't know their language and respect their ancestry. And sometimes I can't blame the way they think. My mom's cousin married a white woman and lives in Memphis; his kids grew up resenting his side of the family, calling them n_____s and @#$%

My mom and dad both put in the effort to learn each others' cultures and languages though, and they taught me and my siblings everything from both sides, so it's all good these days.
thats stupidity talking, if the kids grow up with both parents loving each other, the kids will learn both sides, unless one of the parents doesnt want to teach them

i cant front, im not as tight with my DR fam as i am with my US fam, but i dont have any resentment towards them even tho they say some of the most dumbest **** ive ever heard in my life, and if anything, im beginning to get more involved with both sides as i get older, so miss me with that family history being lost bull
When did I say I agreed with it? That's how older generations think, like it or not.

As a group.. Black people are just more accepting of white people then vice versa...

I love to see when people give no dambs about skin color, and check others that do.

White, black, purple


that's just a blatant contradiction
When did I say I agreed with it? That's how older generations think, like it or not.

Well it's about TIME these OLDER generations GO already! (their racism, their homophobic bigotry, their racial preferences, their politics, their religions)

“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it — in that prejudice and racism — and they just have to die!”
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