What would you have done? LONG READ.

Aug 24, 2009
I just got back from the gym and some really dumb stuff happened while I was there. I was playing 2 on 2 with my friend, it was me and him against these two smaller kids. They were younger than us, like older middle schoolers or freshmen in HS or something. Anyways, we're just screwing around cause we're killing them and the kid guarding me starts getting mad. I dropped like 6 in a row on him with him fouling me and stuff and he didn't score 1 point the whole time. Dude is pissed. He's boxing me out hard, trying to back me in, etc but it's not working for him. Finally, it's game point for us and I drive before the kid sweeps my leg out from under me. I miss the shot and we both fall, I think I crushed him or something cause he was laying there for a few secs. Anyways, we get the ball back cause of the foul.

As I come out to take the ball, the kid kind of shoulder checks me. Then he pulls my shirt a little and gives me a slight shove. I'm like "don't push me" and guess what? He pushes me, on my shoulder. I go "I said don't push me" and give him a little push back, then he screams "don't push me" and pushes me square on in the chest. I'm like what is going on and walk closer to him, then he starts crying and pushes me AGAIN. So I'm like "you need to stop" and hold him back.

Next thing I know, some older guy, I think his dad, presses up on me. Going chest to chest with me, he's like 6'4" and I'm 5'7". This is our conversation.

Him: "You think you're tough picking on a little kid?"
Me: "Nah man, he was pushing me around."
H: "Why don't you go pick on someone your own size?"
M: "I wasn't picking on him. He was pushing me and I pushed back."
H: "It's basketball. Deal with it. You don't have the right to pick a fight with someone smaller than you"
M: "Look, just because he's smaller than me, he was pushing me. If I pushed you right now, would you be angry?"
H: "I'm not answering that question"
M: "I'm just wondering, would you be angry?"
H: "No, I wouldn't, and I wouldn't push you back." (
I wanted to push him so badly right then and I know I could have taken him but I wanted to prove I was right)
M: "Alright, whatever. I wasn't trying to start a fight with your kid. He was pushing me and grabbing my shirt and I also got my leg kicked out on the play before."
H: "I saw that play. Nothing happened. You were off balance and fell over."
M: "Sure, whatever. I'm sorry if you think it's like that. I was playing. I can tell you what happened."
H: "No, I'm done talking to you. I've already made up my mind about you."

As soon as the argument is done, another player in the gym wanted to play 2 on 2, without that kid. So the 4 of us are getting ready to play, the kid comes onto the court and says he's playing. We all tell him he can get next game, he says "no, I'm playing this game". I say "look man, just wait 'til this one is over. I promise you can play after this." Kid walks up to me and says "What's the matter with you, are you scared of me?" I told him "Fine. Play. No one else wants you to play anyways" and walk off. Everyone was like "damn it". Kid gets wrecked and everyone leaves that game angry.


I'm 5'7" and the kid is like 1 inch shorter than me. I'm also a very quiet guy, especially on the basketball court, and I never pick fights. This guy and his kid have obviously never played ball outside of a suburban ref'd game and all of a sudden I'm the aggressor. I'm sure if that happened anywhere outside of a gym the kid and his dad would have been punched in the face repeatedly.

What should I have done? It's so damn annoying dealing with people who have the logic of a 12-year old. Dude thought he could punk me but when I didn't back down, his argument turned to "you did this, you did that" with no backup.

-Playing basketball
-Younger kid is hacking, getting wrecked
-Pushes me multiple times
-I push back
-He starts getting tears in his eyes and pushes me again
-Dad comes in and starts coming at me like I instigated everything
-Next game, he demands to play and tries to start stuff with me again
i would told the dad to eat a @#$%, but i seems like your in the right
Originally Posted by scshift

I just got back from the gym and some really dumb stuff happened while I was there. I was playing 2 on 2 with my friend, it was me and him against these two smaller kids. They were younger than us, like older middle schoolers or freshmen in HS or something. Anyways, we're just screwing around cause we're killing them and the kid guarding me starts getting mad. I dropped like 6 in a row on him with him fouling me and stuff and he didn't score 1 point the whole time. Dude is pissed. He's boxing me out hard, trying to back me in, etc but it's not working for him. Finally, it's game point for us and I drive before the kid sweeps my leg out from under me. I miss the shot and we both fall, I think I crushed him or something cause he was laying there for a few secs. Anyways, we get the ball back cause of the foul.

As I come out to take the ball, the kid kind of shoulder checks me. Then he pulls my shirt a little and gives me a slight shove. I'm like "don't push me" and guess what? He pushes me, on my shoulder. I go "I said don't push me" and give him a little push back, then he screams "don't push me" and pushes me square on in the chest. I'm like what is going on and walk closer to him, then he starts crying and pushes me AGAIN. So I'm like "you need to stop" and hold him back.

Next thing I know, some older guy, I think his dad, presses up on me. Going chest to chest with me, he's like 6'4" and I'm 5'7". This is our conversation.

Him: "You think you're tough picking on a little kid?"
Me: "Nah man, he was pushing me around."
H: "Why don't you go pick on someone your own size?"
M: "I wasn't picking on him. He was pushing me and I pushed back."
H: "It's basketball. Deal with it. You don't have the right to pick a fight with someone smaller than you"
M: "Look, just because he's smaller than me, he was pushing me. If I pushed you right now, would you be angry?"
H: "I'm not answering that question"
M: "I'm just wondering, would you be angry?"
H: "No, I wouldn't, and I wouldn't push you back." (
I wanted to push him so badly right then and I know I could have taken him but I wanted to prove I was right)
M: "Alright, whatever. I wasn't trying to start a fight with your kid. He was pushing me and grabbing my shirt and I also got my leg kicked out on the play before."
H: "I saw that play. Nothing happened. You were off balance and fell over."
M: "Sure, whatever. I'm sorry if you think it's like that. I was playing. I can tell you what happened."
H: "No, I'm done talking to you. I've already made up my mind about you."

As soon as the argument is done, another player in the gym wanted to play 2 on 2, without that kid. So the 4 of us are getting ready to play, the kid comes onto the court and says he's playing. We all tell him he can get next game, he says "no, I'm playing this game". I say "look man, just wait 'til this one is over. I promise you can play after this." Kid walks up to me and says "What's the matter with you, are you scared of me?" I told him "Fine. Play. No one else wants you to play anyways" and walk off. Everyone was like "damn it". Kid gets wrecked and everyone leaves that game angry.


I'm 5'7" and the kid is like 1 inch shorter than me. I'm also a very quiet guy, especially on the basketball court, and I never pick fights. This guy and his kid have obviously never played ball outside of a suburban ref'd game and all of a sudden I'm the aggressor. I'm sure if that happened anywhere outside of a gym the kid and his dad would have been punched in the face repeatedly.

What should I have done? It's so damn annoying dealing with people who have the logic of a 12-year old. Dude thought he could punk me but when I didn't back down, his argument turned to "you did this, you did that" with no backup.

-Playing basketball
-Younger kid is hacking, getting wrecked
-Pushes me multiple times
-I push back
-He starts getting tears in his eyes and pushes me again
-Dad comes in and starts coming at me like I instigated everything
-Next game, he demands to play and tries to start stuff with me again
I would half fought the kid if he didn't let us 4 guys play. I have nothing to lose, I'm a low life with no job or education.

But you're one smart kid I would have flopped and sued him for assault.
I have no idea why the kid was mad in the first game. All 3 of us, including his teammate, were having fun. Launching deep 3s and little flashy moves. Then all of a sudden he starts talking smack to my friend (who's a pretty ripped kid. He's strong) but my friend just laughs it off.

What are you doing on a basketball court if you suck and just try to take little cheap shots?
Well, are you much older than the kid? He is still in the wrong, but just wondering if your age had to do with how his dad saw it. Also, did your friend and the other guy playing back up your story?
Don't even sweat it. His pops is a dbag raising a dbag. I'm sure that kid gets dealt with on the reg at school with his temper
I don't understand why you would even think twice about this. I come across idiots everyday, just move on bro.
Wouldn't happen to me I don't hoop with children, really fat people, or chicks that didn't play at least varsity.

"Cannot play with them. Cannot win with them. Cannot coach with them. Can't do it. I want winners."
Sometimes you have to foresee your L's. This was a no-win situation from the jump. That kid didn't respect you enough from the beginning and he was going to irritate you until you reacted. You have to see these things coming and quell the situation.

Let him foul you. You're giving him the business and he's not injuring you. You wanna sweep my leg while I teardrop this easy deuce? Go ahead. And then I'm all over YOUR @!# on defense. And then I'm gonna run my mouth. Now it's on him to react, not you.

The situation with the dad should've just been squashed. You can't make a parent think their kid is wrong. Just give an empty apology and then proceed to get in their kid's #@$ on the court again. I would've asked the dad to keep a watch on his kid the next game because he is playing crackhead'!**, and then destroy his entire gene pool for dad to see. What could they say then?

It's always best to diffuse, avoid, walk away from that kinda crap in basketball games regardless if it's someone else's fault or not. If you're not seriously injured, just dismiss it.
I can't take the story seriously because your avy has me picturing
Monta Ellis playing pickup games with kids serious as hell
You handled that well...Alot better than I would have.

Cant stand dudes that hack without regard in pickup games.

Good sportsmanship + Good basketball skills =
Guys I'm 17 and the kid was around 14, so it's not like I was a college player messing with elementary school kids. Dude was mad cause he showed up ready to ball in matching sleeveless and shorts, Jordans and long socks and got showed up. The other 2 kids on the court were like "what the hell is this little kid doing".

The dad was already heated cause his kid was getting embarrassed. Getting his shot swatted from the 3 point line, swiped, crossed up and just being manhandled. During the game he would occasionally try and shout things for his kid to do
just to have it fail.

He touched the ball probably 6 times the whole game and scored 0 points. I can see why he'd be mad.
Don't let it get to you man, in these type of situations I simply walk away

People consistently play the hack a Shaq defense on me and tell me to deal with it cause I'm 6ft4---Apparently being big in pick up basketball gives people a pass to abuse you on the court, one of my boys doesn't even bother playing real defense on me or going for the ball
Originally Posted by office the

I can't believe you took the time to type that all out


kids these days


I would've just laughed in the kids face the whole time. Let him get all mad he's losing, trying to foul me, and then continue to rip him apart. Wouldn't have even gotten physical. Especially if he was smaller and younger. Also, there is no way in hell I'm walking off the court and letting this dude play. I hate when people do that #*@#. Let him cry on the sideline and just continue with my game. But you were in the right SC. His dad was an idiot. He knew he was wrong.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Don't let it get to you man, in these type of situations I simply walk away

People consistently play the hack a Shaq defense on me and tell me to deal with it cause I'm 6ft4---Apparently being big in pick up basketball gives people a pass to abuse you on the court, one of my boys doesn't even bother playing real defense on me or going for the ball

Man around here it's the other way around. No one wants to hack the big players cause they don't want to get wrecked

Dudes around here will only mess with shorter players cause they feel like they could balance out if there was a fight. That kid punked me cause I was closer to his height. My friend who was knocking him around like a rag doll got a pass cause he could have thrown that kid across the gym
Him: "You think you're tough picking on a little kid?"
Me: "Nah man, he was pushing me around."
H: "Why don't you go pick on someone your own size?"
M: "I wasn't picking on him. He was pushing me and I pushed back."
H: "It's basketball. Deal with it. You don't have the right to pick a fight with someone smaller than you"
M: "Look, just because he's smaller than me, he was pushing me. If I pushed you right now, would you be angry?"
H: "I'm not answering that question"
M: "I'm just wondering, would you be angry?"
H: "No, I wouldn't, and I wouldn't push you back." (
I wanted to push him so badly right then and I know I could have taken him but I wanted to prove I was right)
ME: THEN GET THE +%*# OUT OF MY FACE OLD MAN! *Pushes him back to a wall. Takes ball and aim for his face. Start new game.*

That's what I would've done. All that extra rudeness would not have went on. It's basketball. I know you said you're a quiet dude but I would've turned to KGxGary Payton on the kid insulting and cursing him out as I abused him on the court, especially if he came at me with that are you scared of me foolishness.
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