what would you rather have? agility&speed or power&strength?

speed and agility. but if any power id have mind manipulation. be like girl take your clothes off and give me a thytker
Definitely power & strength cuz if you're running from a fight then you'll be ridiculed as a pussycat and my work is done...
speed and agility and i would carry a gun. id also take up every martial art and become some sort of a inhuman demolition machine. The "IDM"
I was a track/football player in high school so I'm partial to what speed can do....as far as a fight get in throw a couple punches and get out before oldmuscle mass can react...
If we're talking every day life I'd rather have power and strength. I don't do anything that I would need speed for.
Can I have intelligence and mana instead?
Really though I don't want speed and agil because it's favor by most people. I will pick strength
...I can think of sick combos like slamming my fist on the floor to cause a ripple
. Make a sonic boom by clapping my hands
. Hurl a boomerang so far ittakes years for it to come back.
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