What Your Taste In Beer Says About YOU.

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"Where's the party?" is probably an oft-asked question by Corona and Corona Light drinkers. They are busy and energetic people who are also extremely extroverted. They're people persons who seek out the company of others whether in a group or just one-to-one. Corona drinkers do more and see more people in one day than most people see in a week. But the life-of-the-party Corona drinkers also have an altruistic side; they care deeply about other people and see themselves as giving and warm.

Corona drinkers are 91% more likely than average to buy recycled products and 38% more likely to own three or more flat-screen TVs.

damn, pretty much describes me
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

"Where's the party?" is probably an oft-asked question by Corona and Corona Light drinkers. They are busy and energetic people who are also extremely extroverted. They're people persons who seek out the company of others whether in a group or just one-to-one. Corona drinkers do more and see more people in one day than most people see in a week. But the life-of-the-party Corona drinkers also have an altruistic side; they care deeply about other people and see themselves as giving and warm.

Corona drinkers are 91% more likely than average to buy recycled products and 38% more likely to own three or more flat-screen TVs.

damn, pretty much describes me

me too. where's????


my personal fave.

list is trash though
What about boulevard wheat (local fav) or even Stella or miller lite ?? This study is too short to be relevant
i drink blue moons, pretty fitting.

red stripe or stella is my beer of choise tho
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

As somebody who's been in the beer business for far too long now, I have to say this is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

There is no difference between bud and bud light drinkers.. nor, coors lights, miller lite, etc... blue moon, heineken, and corona can all be thrown into the same category as well.

And then to only list craft beer drinkers as one group?
alrighty. Let's divide up all the beers that taste exactly the same and keep together the beers and beer drinkers who actually know what they're tasting.

What a ridiculous "study"... they're drawing all these conclusions based off of beer choice? I could put together a MUCH better profile of who drinks what just based on my selling experience alone... piece of cake really.
such hostility. OP forgot to source the story, which may put some of this into perspective.

I originally read this article on AdAge which is a trade publication read by the ADVERTISING INDUSTRY (my fiancee works in advertising and will forward storiesthat she thinks I might find interesting, but thats irrelevant).

As you might imagine, there is more to advertising and marketing than just putting up a poster on the side of the road and hoping someone sees it. This wasmerely pointing out another approach to reaching specific target markets based on the types of beers certain people tend to gravitate towards. By no means isthis an end all be all study that says if you drink Bud you must be this way. If Advertisers specifically target the people they wanted with utmostefficiency, companies like Pepsi or Apple or whoever wouldn't have to spend hundreds of millions annually on advertising.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

As somebody who's been in the beer business for far too long now, I have to say this is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

There is no difference between bud and bud light drinkers.. nor, coors lights, miller lite, etc... blue moon, heineken, and corona can all be thrown into the same category as well.

And then to only list craft beer drinkers as one group?
alrighty. Let's divide up all the beers that taste exactly the same and keep together the beers and beer drinkers who actually know what they're tasting.

What a ridiculous "study"... they're drawing all these conclusions based off of beer choice? I could put together a MUCH better profile of who drinks what just based on my selling experience alone... piece of cake really.
QFT. The category that enjoys beer the most and they kinda just push them all off to the side

Mind if I ask who you work for?
such hostility. OP forgot to source the story, which may put some of this into perspective.

I originally read this article on AdAge which is a trade publication read by the ADVERTISING INDUSTRY (my fiancee works in advertising and will forward stories that she thinks I might find interesting, but thats irrelevant).

As you might imagine, there is more to advertising and marketing than just putting up a poster on the side of the road and hoping someone sees it. This was merely pointing out another approach to reaching specific target markets based on the types of beers certain people tend to gravitate towards. By no means is this an end all be all study that says if you drink Bud you must be this way. If Advertisers specifically target the people they wanted with utmost efficiency, companies like Pepsi or Apple or whoever wouldn't have to spend hundreds of millions annually on advertising.

i'm not really arguing with their findings, just their approach.
It probably doesn't take a psychographic profile to discover that those people who refuse to drink beer at all don't like to loosen up very much. They are socially conservative and see many issues as black and white. Teetotalers honor tradition and authority and prefer a less-hectic social life.

... right

My weekend says otherwise
I enjoy "craft beers" (michigan microbrews generally) and a good amount of that was spot on. But I'd be more interested to hear what my penchantfor anything extra hoppy says about me.

Also, did dude above me really say that St. Ides "Special Brew" was his drink of choice?!? Besides the fact that it isn't even beer, if you areover 12 you need to rethink your whole lifestyle. No dude has ever pulled a chick while drinking one of those, and that is real talk. (You might want toconsider stepping it up to Joose or something like it)

cant stand domestic beers. they taste like sparkling water. i like em thick and dark like my women.
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY


cant stand domestic beers. they taste like sparkling water. i like em thick and dark like my women.
imma assume that you live in Portland?

man it's nice to be a beer lover and live in the best town for it
Originally Posted by Born Tuesday

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

The personality traits of people who prefer Blue Moon, a Belgian style wheat beer, tracked similarly to the same type of people who prefer craft beers-which means Blue Moon drinkers probably don't know it's a Molson Coors Brewing Co. family product made in Colorado.

Blue Moonies are socially liberal and usually quite willing to go against convention. They really hate moral authorities, and believe children should be exposed to moral dilemmas and allowed to come to their own conclusions. They can also be sarcastic and snide in order to get a point across.

People who drink Blue Moon beer are 105% more likely than the average person to drive hybrid cars, 77% more likely to own Apple Mac laptops, 65% more likely to purchase five pairs or more of sneakers every year, and 32% more likely to not be registered voters.

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Described me quite well.
same my friend, same. that or Sol, or any similar mexican beer
I think the Heineken description also applies to Blue Moon drinkers.

Real craft brews FTW.
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY


cant stand domestic beers. they taste like sparkling water. i like em thick and dark like my women.
imma assume that you live in Portland?

man it's nice to be a beer lover and live in the best town for it

yep! just moved here. im diggin all these local IPA's too.
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