Whats good with them glasses Jay? You know better Beyonce

Are those the mf dooms he has on?
Originally Posted by Biff Stuntwell

as others have said..... dude in the backround is healing up some nice i got my @ss whooped marks

Who knows, it could have been one of those "You should have seen the other guy" type of fights...
Jay def. has bad taste in glasses. BTW

He still has one of the greatest swaggers known to man.
i dont see the big deal about the glasses but the way he is sitting is kinda funny
The critique of the mans clothing is OD critical on this board, feels like SuFU at times...

Seriously? Like none of you have ever put on something that was kinda, meh?

Besides who are you to judge? Straight fashionistas on this board....

Only man whom I judge when it comes to clothing is myself....I'm damn fresh...

Besides, when its all said and done, fashion is all about preference...You may not appreciate it, but someone else will type of deal....
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