What's hotter than a mod painting?


I've never painted anything my entire life.

I'm high from the fumes.

damn crux you lucky you got viewers i posted my the other time I got few responses and mostly stonefaces

But since your a mod and all.
If that ain't Crux then I will start believing in good/evil twins, the one in the vid must be the cool good one

i'm not the one painting the inside of my closet with a mini brush!! hahaha

and why white? the wood looked gooood
This is not working well

I'm gonna buy a roller

Let me know if my sister shows herself on the cam
To make it brighter.

I'm not painting the outside.

Be back in 10 minutes.

Gonna buy a roller.
Good Coverage.

Don't rip that hanger rod down.

EDIT: Haha at the blank square where the tray was sitting.
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