What's it like living in the suburbs?

Anyone grow up in a big city envy friends that lived in the burbs? I admit I was a bit jelly knowing that they lived in a nice clean house in a safe neighborhood as opposed to an older home worth twice the price of the one in the suburbs.
I'm from long island and i love it! 45 minutes away from nyc, plenty of malls, 2 outlets, great parks, safe neighborhoods, bike paths everywhere, great pizza, great gyro's, OCEAN BEACHES, hamptons, winery's, clubs. Long island >>>>>> any suburb.
Boring, quiet, lots of trees, white people, trees, more white people, like 4 black family's that are well known and have star athlete children, and then white people

Oh and a lot of alcohol and drugs for the highschool kids

The house parties when I was in highschool :pimp:
:lol: This.

I've lived both in the suburbs and in NYC for extended periods of time, so I've seen both sides. The city is good for when you want to live that fast life, just going from place to place and meeting new people and being impulsive and fun. The suburbs are good for when you want to slow down and smell the roses, it forces you to learn how to enjoy your own company since there isn't as much to do.

When I'm in the city, I almost never eat a meal by myself because someone is always hitting me up or vice versa and it's a lot easier to be around people. In the suburbs you have to drive everywhere so you're on the dolo tip a lot more, makes you wanna pick up hobbies like reading, making music, etc.

Anyone grow up in a big city envy friends that lived in the burbs? I admit I was a bit jelly knowing that they lived in a nice clean house in a safe neighborhood as opposed to an older home worth twice the price of the one in the suburbs.
Growing up in the suburbs, I was always envious of people who lived in the city. I think it was because the "cool" shows on TV always took place in cities and I wondered what that lifestyle was like. Like on Hey Arnold their lives were so much cooler than mine, those kids were roaming all around NYC while I was in some sterile white suburb not allowed to go past the mailbox. .lol
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its coo big houses we got a front yard and a back yard we got pets (i don't but most of us do) women of all sorts, more time to spend indoors with your family, we like sports, the internet, and work... what about the city?
I used to kick it with a bunch of kids in green cove FL when I'd be down there. Alot back in the day. Anyway those kids were lost :lol: I'm straight on living in the burbs.
I lived in the burbs for highschool and two years after. I hated every single moment.

-So many white people using the N-word like its fashionable
-Nosey neighbors. I once got a phone call while driving. pulled over on the side of the road to talk, and had the cops roll up on me b/c someone called them on me.
-Cops stayed harassing me
-Physical altercations. This may sound weird, but I always had problems with other minorities who lived in the suburbs. It was like they tried extra hard to prove they were hard. It was so annoying. Compare this to the hood where the general rule is mind your own damn business, and no one will really bother you. Hell I only got into one fight in the city.
-Less sports leagues and in general things that could have kept me occupied after school.
-Lack of culture. I didn't really get into playing music until i was 21, when I moved to the city. Never enjoyed graffiti/art until then. All my culture back then came from BET, which we all know shouldnt happen.
-Like someone mentioned above you have to drive everywhere. You don't run errands real quick b/c all the places you need to go are so far apart. You spend a day running errands. When I go visits my parents I spend so much money on gas. :smh:
-there is no spontaneous going out. If you want to go out you need to leave early, have a DD, blah blah.

I'll move back to the burbs when I retire. I will never raise my kids in the burbs, i want them to be more cultured than me. Theres a reason no one visits the suburbs of a city when the go on vacation.
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Hallelujah Holla Back!


i grew up my whole life in the burbs here in the Bay Area and it wasnt really boring since of the proximity to SF, Oakland, Berkeley, San Jose, etc.

Anyways, its quiet, there's a lot of grass, trees, lagoons, parks, walking trails and bike paths.

Random, who remembers John Brown, King of Da Burbz from the White Rapper Show?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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I have family in Palm Springs.

We go there for Thanksgiving.

I hate it.

There's no life. It's dead in the suburbs.

There is no life outside the household. No kids playing. Nothing.

Everything is clean. Too clean. Too perfect.

I'll go insane if I live there.
Yeah. I forgot to mention, there is no culture.

I don't remember seeing anybody out and about doing something while I drove with my parents somewhere.

You can't do anything on foot. No quick food run. No quick going to the liquor store to buy a swisher.

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couple of cousins of mine burbed out....

da silence is deafening....

imma b a city cat for da rest of my life.
The burbs out here in the bay > anywhere

You can go 35-40 mins and you in the city. I live in the East bay which is in the middle of everything. I'm talking about SF, Berkeley and Oakland are just up nort. Then you have Fremont, and SJ in the south. San Mateo is just across the bridge and Pleasanton the other way. All are in 30miles radius. :pimp:
I have family in Palm Springs.
We go there for Thanksgiving.

I hate it.
There's no life. It's dead in the suburbs.

There is no life outside the household. No kids playing. Nothing.
Everything is clean. Too clean. Too perfect.

I'll go insane if I live there.


this is true but if you got a ride + decent amount of friends + the internet it isnt that bad

the burbs is pretty dead but its what you make out of it
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I lived in the burbs for highschool and two years after. I hated every single moment.

-So many white people using the N-word like its fashionable
-Nosey neighbors. I once got a phone call while driving. pulled over on the side of the road to talk, and had the cops roll up on me b/c someone called them on me.
-Cops stayed harassing me
-Physical altercations. This may sound weird, but I always had problems with other minorities who lived in the suburbs. It was like they tried extra hard to prove they were hard. It was so annoying. Compare this to the hood where the general rule is mind your own damn business, and no one will really bother you. Hell I only got into one fight in the city.
-Less sports leagues and in general things that could have kept me occupied after school.
-Lack of culture. I didn't really get into playing music until i was 21, when I moved to the city. Never enjoyed graffiti/art until then. All my culture back then came from BET, which we all know shouldnt happen.
-Like someone mentioned above you have to drive everywhere. You don't run errands real quick b/c all the places you need to go are so far apart. You spend a day running errands. When I go visits my parents I spend so much money on gas. :smh:
-there is no spontaneous going out. If you want to go out you need to leave early, have a DD, blah blah.

I'll move back to the burbs when I retire. I will never raise my kids in the burbs, i want them to be more cultured than me. Theres a reason no one visits the suburbs of a city when the go on vacation.


Its like if you wanna be so hard take yo *** to the hood and try that BS you won't last an day hour.
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I have lived in Downtown LA, The Valley, Ventura County and rural SLO County. I have lived the majority of my life in the suburbs and the suburbs are the best overall when it comes to amenities. I like being able to drive for a few minutes and then being able to shop at a variety of stores, I like not being stuck in traffic and I like playing basketball at a park that does not have discarded hypos in the grass.

With that said, suburbanites tend to be more narrow minded than their suburban counter parts. The focus is entirely on making and spending money and anything that does not advance that goal is seen as waste of time and people who live for anything else are seen as something between a nuissance and as a menace. It ironic because the downtown grand beourgeoisie types, who make seven figures, are more cultured than the suburban petite bourgeoisie who make six figures. I suppose when people make real money they are a little bit more likely see that enjoying life entails more than fretting over a few slivers of silver.

City people make the city a more dynamic and interesting place but most aspects of city life are really just inconveniences and they get old very quickly.
Living in the suburbs, I could tell you that I probably know more people that ****ed up their life due to drugs, a ton of alcoholics, and a lot of car accident deaths in teens because of pure boredom. The things to do include movies, bowling, or drinking. It truly is a boring life.
i can attest to this as well. 

ive lived in the city and suburbs if i somehow do end up with kids, im not raising them in the suburbs or if i have to be in the suburbs, it will be in a spot with immediate, direct access to the city. 

i grew up in a place called Columbia MD. this place is the epitome of sprawl and excess. you have to drive everywhere and traffic is a *****. during rush hour, it takes me almost 20 minutes to go only 3 miles. 
 the infrastructure is horrible and can't handle all the people living here (about 100K) and its also expensive for no reason considering you aren't near a city. DC is REALISTICALLY almost 40 mins w/o traffic and 60+ with traffic. Going to Baltimore isn't so bad but still takes longer then it should. 
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I don't live in the suburbs, but I live in a nice townhouse community. The cost of houses in this area is much higher because it's a 10 min walk to the beach. Most of my neighbors are white folks. All I gotta say is, one time the UPS guy left $300 worth of Jordans from FNL on my doorstep for 3 days while we were on vacation in Vegas. It was safe and untouched :lol:. I'd really prefer to move to San Francisco right now, though.
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Prince George's County, Maryland = Greatest 'Burbs of all time.

Million dollar house full of ratchet people.

Every drug at the tip of your finger.

No matter where you at you're like ~20mins outside of DC at the farthest.

Desperate housewives are very real.

Can't explain it. It's like the perfect suburbs with a crazy twist to it.

Probably because it's like 70% Black 10% Latino 20% White/Asian/Arab.
I dont live in suburbs. but i have cousins that do. when im out there its boring. its dead. streets are dead. everywhere around is closed early besides 7/11. Gas stations close early. Everything. Cops are posted up in random spots ready to pull young kids over or black people over.

Cops will harass the f outta u there because there is no real crime that happens over there. So they try to get something going on in their lives of boredom.

Its dark @ night time. You cant see **** in some areas. You will see weird animals such as wolves and coyotes over here in MA.

It sucks. I could never do it.

cosign this

lived in the city when i was young.. then suburbs during HS.. city again now

Make a peep outside during the night? gonna have problems

Cops don't really have much to worry about so they go extra hard on the little things, you will have problems for things that wouldn't even matter in the city.

you don't have to worry about the weirdos that you see in the city though :rofl:

City life is just different
Grew up n the burbs.at the end of a lane wita culdesac... lotta city heads were too soft for the burb life. When my cousins came they were never about that atv, fishing, catching snakes life so wed jus hoop n my driveway n swim alllll day
Prince George's County, Maryland = Greatest 'Burbs of all time.
Million dollar house full of ratchet people.
Every drug at the tip of your finger.
No matter where you at you're like ~20mins outside of DC at the farthest.
Desperate housewives are very real.
Can't explain it. It's like the perfect suburbs with a crazy twist to it.
Probably because it's like 70% Black 10% Latino 20% White/Asian/Arab.
I can confirm this...New Carrollton tho its like 80 percent Black, 18 percent latino and the rest other....I have lived in MD for about 10 years now, and lived in dc before hand...since dc is so close...dont really see much of  difference..its just much quieter in the suburbs but you got apartments right next to the houses so it makes a bit more dangerous...when you got apartments close to surburbs your subject more to robberies, car thefts , burglarys etc.
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The alternative is living in a town that's like a small city mixed with burbs, that's what I did and I love it

Shops, bars, restaurants all within walking distance

And we have a train stop on both ends so Philly is a 20 min train ride which has brought a lot of youth to the town who work in the city but don't wanna live there
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grew up in the burbs but moved out when I left for college. it is boring but I miss it now when I visit. want to move back soon when I get a home with my girl. the city is too full of hoodlums and I miss the quiet.

edit: lmao @ the golf clubs comment its true golf clubs get stolen in the burbs. bikes too
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