What's Lupe's Best Album??

Dudes acting like he has 6 albums to chose from
. As for his best work, I'm not sure. Both his albums have some of his best material. Depends what moodI'm in. If I had to chose would probably be Food & Liquor. Classic from front to back IMO. Took me a year to realize dudes talent..what a shame.
'The Cool' is also really amazing. That albums biggest flaw is 'Go Baby'. I like the song but it throws the album off. Seems like it was a lastminute addition; luckily, it was the last track.

Anyways, either or would be good if your looking to purchase one. I highly recommend both though.
besides american terrorist.. all of those joints are

the cool was great.. but had a couple joints that couldve..shouldve been left off
I still haven't even listened to The Cool all the way through yet, I think I got it on the same day as 8 diagrams and just forgot about it. Gold Watch ismy @+*%, but i'll have to go with F&L
Originally Posted by harlem

besides american terrorist.. all of those joints are

the cool was great.. but had a couple joints that couldve..shouldve been left off

"American Terrorist" is dooope.

That and "Emperor's Soundtrack" back-to-back always stays on repeat for me.
Food & Liquor
Complaints: I heard some of the songs cuz of the leak, didnt like Kick, Push II, & the 12 min long outro

The Cool
Complaints: didnt like Hi-Definition or The Die & Free Chill wasn't longer

The Cool
His mixtapes > His albums

Is he ever going to drop another Fahrenheit tape? That would be dope if he did one more before LupEND.
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

Dudes acting like he has 6 albums to chose from

I was thinkin the same thing. "Food and Liquor" is a classicin my book, 5/5 but "The Cool" was trash. Only listen to like 3 maybe 5 songs from that album. Gave it a few listens and really tried to like it butI can't, it's just wack and WAY OVERRATED
I like them both but if I had to choose one I'd take F & L...American Terrorist is so dope.
both are great albums, but ill take F&L just cuz of Hova on Pressure.

and no song from The Cool is competeing with Daydreamin.
F&L...Real, JustMight Be Ok, American Terrorist, Kick Push, and to end it off Theme Music To a Driveby...so ILL!
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Originally Posted by harlem

besides american terrorist.. all of those joints are

the cool was great.. but had a couple joints that couldve..shouldve been left off

"American Terrorist" is dooope.

That and "Emperor's Soundtrack" back-to-back always stays on repeat for me.
I do it for the hood like a parka..
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