What's one change (or changes) in your life you're sturggling to make? - Advice Sharing -

Jan 4, 2011
- Stuck in a cyclical relationship with the mother of my son. It's time to put my foot down. So far so good, but I've gotten this far before and turned back to her.

Other notable things I would like to change -

- Budget and save my money better.
- My approach to every day of life. I need to be more positive.

I'll add more later.

I thought it would be cool that if other members have gone through a similar issue that they come across in here, that they could share how they overcame the same obstacle.
- Stuck in a cyclical relationship with the mother of my son. It's time to put my foot down. So far so good, but I've gotten this far before and turned back to her.

Other notable things I would like to change -

- Budget and save my money better.
- My approach to every day of life. I need to be more positive.

I'll add more later.

I thought it would be cool that if other members have gone through a similar issue that they come across in here, that they could share how they overcame the same obstacle.
Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

- Budget and save my money better.
- My approach to every day of life. I need to be more positive.
i haven't overcame them yet but i'm right there with you
Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

- Budget and save my money better.
- My approach to every day of life. I need to be more positive.
i haven't overcame them yet but i'm right there with you
OP, stay strong even when you feel like you wanna go back and work it out. It may be hard but do it for your kid. I dont know the situation fully but as a person who grew up with parents putting on a sham just to make it work, it aint worth it. So keep on doing you.

My top changes I wanna make:
-take more risks (within reason)
-as OP stated, budget better.
-and I wanna be more honest with the people that care about me. Not to be too emo, but I hold a lot of stuff in and people have a hard time reading me.

Best of luck to you OP with your situation, hope it works out.
OP, stay strong even when you feel like you wanna go back and work it out. It may be hard but do it for your kid. I dont know the situation fully but as a person who grew up with parents putting on a sham just to make it work, it aint worth it. So keep on doing you.

My top changes I wanna make:
-take more risks (within reason)
-as OP stated, budget better.
-and I wanna be more honest with the people that care about me. Not to be too emo, but I hold a lot of stuff in and people have a hard time reading me.

Best of luck to you OP with your situation, hope it works out.
Be more positive. I've turned a better leaf. Now I'm realizing that my reality is a direct result of how I think.
Be more positive. I've turned a better leaf. Now I'm realizing that my reality is a direct result of how I think.
-I'm way to nice when it comes to my family.
-I need to stop over anaylzing everything and be a bit more spontaneous.
-I'm way to nice when it comes to my family.
-I need to stop over anaylzing everything and be a bit more spontaneous.
Moving on jobwise. Like i'm content with my job because of the security and management not constantly breathing over you, and really it's not that hard. But i don't get paid enough to live decent, and i know soon enough i have to move on and face the more demanding stuff.
Moving on jobwise. Like i'm content with my job because of the security and management not constantly breathing over you, and really it's not that hard. But i don't get paid enough to live decent, and i know soon enough i have to move on and face the more demanding stuff.
the money i blow on kicks is rediculous... and the sad thing is i know i do and i still continue to buy them... Wish i could manage my money better...
the money i blow on kicks is rediculous... and the sad thing is i know i do and i still continue to buy them... Wish i could manage my money better...
Getting out of the area I've lived my whole life in. The world is bigger and there is much more opportunity somewhere else, such as a big city.

I'm ready to make the jump and be more independent, but I will have no real support system as I'll be moving away from home and that's really all I got left now.

Scared as hell, but I got to do it.
Getting out of the area I've lived my whole life in. The world is bigger and there is much more opportunity somewhere else, such as a big city.

I'm ready to make the jump and be more independent, but I will have no real support system as I'll be moving away from home and that's really all I got left now.

Scared as hell, but I got to do it.
starting a major life change with my eating habits. need to get down another 20 pounds.
Also moving out my parents house, I have a nice bachelor pad set up but id love to get out the house. its just too damn expensive to live on your own
Im gonna be trying to find a motorcycle also, just started reading the handbook to get my license
starting a major life change with my eating habits. need to get down another 20 pounds.
Also moving out my parents house, I have a nice bachelor pad set up but id love to get out the house. its just too damn expensive to live on your own
Im gonna be trying to find a motorcycle also, just started reading the handbook to get my license
Originally Posted by MarcMac360

OP, stay strong even when you feel like you wanna go back and work it out. It may be hard but do it for your kid. I dont know the situation fully but as a person who grew up with parents putting on a sham just to make it work, it aint worth it. So keep on doing you.

My top changes I wanna make:
-take more risks (within reason)
-as OP stated, budget better.
-and I wanna be more honest with the people that care about me. Not to be too emo, but I hold a lot of stuff in and people have a hard time reading me.

Best of luck to you OP with your situation, hope it works out.

This too. 
Originally Posted by MarcMac360

OP, stay strong even when you feel like you wanna go back and work it out. It may be hard but do it for your kid. I dont know the situation fully but as a person who grew up with parents putting on a sham just to make it work, it aint worth it. So keep on doing you.

My top changes I wanna make:
-take more risks (within reason)
-as OP stated, budget better.
-and I wanna be more honest with the people that care about me. Not to be too emo, but I hold a lot of stuff in and people have a hard time reading me.

Best of luck to you OP with your situation, hope it works out.

This too. 
Smoking cigs. I want to quit yet don't have the willpower. Being stressed from everyday life doesn't help either.
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