What's Sean Hannity Obsession With Derailing Obama's Democratic Nomination

May 30, 2006
Okay over the past month or so i've been viewing the "fair and balance" channel to see coverage of the Rev. Wright debacle and on a continuousbasis i've seen Sean Hannity in particular constantly being critical of Obama. When Michelle Obama proclaimed she was finally for the first time in heradult life proud to be American he labeled her as "unpatriotic" the Reverand Wright story which he himself had been analizing for over a year finallybroke and he's been keenly trying to make it appear as if Obama shared the same views aka a secretly militant black man. When the Rev. Wright story finallydied down he then turns his focus to Obama's friendship with a former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers... trying to potray him as being sympathetic tohomegrown terrorism. Now Sean is criticizing Obama for attending the Million Man March
and you don't have to read between the lines to see he's trying to connect Obama with sharing the ideology of Farrakhan.

I just don't understand whats Sean's beef with Obama and alot of other Fox broadcasters for that matter.. its like Sean wants to be credited with beingthe person that was responsible for Obama not getting the nomination and the irony of this whole situation is that Sean will get on television and proclaimthat Obama is getting a "free pass" when almost every primetime show on Fox News is overly critical of Obama.... i just don't get it.
Sean is a conservative, and he knows Obama will be much harder to defeat in the general election than hitlery. He has a vested interest in derailing hiscampaign.

Did you fail to recognize his liberal partner on the show, Allan Combs?
Hannity is a constant joke to me. His bias isn't even attempted to be concealed. He is simply preaching to his choir...
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

Sean is a conservative, and he knows Obama will be much harder to defeat in the general election than hitlery. He has a vested interest in derailing his campaign.

Did you fail to recognize his liberal partner on the show, Allan Combs?

at you bringing him up... guy is a joke.
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

Sean is a conservative, and he knows Obama will be much harder to defeat in the general election than hitlery. He has a vested interest in derailing his campaign.

Did you fail to recognize his liberal partner on the show, Allan Combs?

No but Allan is more there to refute Sean's points, Sean creates the stories and Allan is just there to keep the "fair and balance" sloganintact..
Sean is a conservative, and he knows Obama will be much harder to defeat in the general election than hitlery. He has a vested interest in derailing his campaign.

Did you fail to recognize his liberal partner on the show, Allan Combs?

Good one. And pleaseexplain the 'Hitlerly' line.
Sean Hannity is pretty dumb. I'm talking literally. Ever since I listened to him in 10th grade he has always made just plain stupid and weak arguments. Hejust parrots RNC talking points so he can get big name Republican guests on.
I still listen to Limbaugh sometimes because he makes good arguments even if I don't agree with him.

btw, how can so many people be great Americans?
Wouldn't that mean that they're average Americans?
the irony of this whole situation is that Sean will get on television and proclaim that Obama is getting a "free pass" when almost every primetime show on Fox News is overly critical of Obama.... i just don't get it.

That's what I have been saying this whole campaign. It's amazing how you can bash a dude the entirety of your show then end with, "Is it unfairhe's getting a free pass because he's black," and it's not just Hannity. And Combs is a joke. It's no coincidence that Hannity is the realhost/driver of the show and Combs just gets a word in every once in a while and is an old decrepit looking man and Hannity is normal looking. He is theWashignton Generals to Hannity's Harlem Globetrotters.

And like you said, he has been after Hannity for years. He literally does want to be remembered as the one who won the election for McCain, hementioned it before that he was the first one to raise the question of Obama going to a racist church and this was WAY back, I think even before Katrina.

Fox News is amazing though, or rather the 1,000,000's who watch and believe it.

Minorities and Democrats need to create an offsetting "fair and balanced" "News" network.
Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Whats your obsession with being a closet racist?

what the ....

care to point out my closet racism.

Son, almost every thread you make it has something to do with race and how White people are viewed and regardless if the topic is about Black people it youalways twist it around to blame something on white people for black peoples problems.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Whats your obsession with being a closet racist?

what the ....

care to point out my closet racism.

Son, almost every thread you make it has something to do with race and how White people are viewed and regardless if the topic is about Black people it you always twist it around to blame something on white people for black peoples problems.
I just did a search of the last 6 topics i made previous to this thread

[table][tr][td]So What Are Some Problems Plaguing The White Community In America (topic)
Time to put the spotlight on the whit...[/td] [td]General[/td] [td]
04/14/08 11:13 PM [/td] [/tr][tr][td]DELETE... Posted (topic)
How he goes from Golden showers to go...[/td] [td]General[/td] [td]
04/13/08 6:55 PM [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wow What A Total Disregard For Life: SouthWest Airlines Knowingly Hide Safety Problems (topic)
(CNN) -- Southwest Airlines tried to ...[/td] [td]General[/td] [td]
04/03/08 11:47 AM [/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td][/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]AYYYOOOO These Lil Wayne Fans Really Imitate Everything He Does (topic)
Just got off work... so im waiting at...[/td] [td]General[/td] [td]
04/01/08 6:24 PM [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Okay Now I Realize Why Nothing Gets Done By Our Government: Overpaid Employees (topic)
I work for the FDA like many know and...[/td] [td]General[/td] [td]
04/01/08 12:24 PM [/td] [/tr][tr][td]President Bush Getting Boooed At National's Home Opener: Disrespectful or Appropriate (topic)[/td] [/tr][/table]

Only thread pertaining to race i made recently was my White Community thread... this current thread also has nothing to do with white people either, so exactlywhat are you talking about b... do you feel victimized
Fox isn't worth anyone's time. People like Hannity and Bill-O implement a debating style not based on logic or reason but in how loud one can speakover their guest.
What's Sean Hannity Obsession With Derailing Obama's Democratic Nomination

Just another example of the white media outlets trying to remind everyone that Obama is a black man. Sig check!!
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

Fox isn't worth anyone's time. People like Hannity and Bill-O implement a debating style not based on logic or reason but in how loud one can speak over their guest.

O'rielly is the master of that tactic. I'll give Hannity some credit here. At least he lets people talk. Most of the time.
1. it's not a NEWS show...so obviously it's going to show bias
2. Obama DID get a free pass early on in the campaign..I think everyone can admit that...but he's not getting one now though.
3. Hannity is a conservative....what do you expect him to do?
It's important to be skeptical to an extent of ALL news outlets from Fox news to CNN to The New York Times. You have to remember that news is unfortunatelya business like everything else in America and stories are often broadcast or skewed to create viewership. Stories are also sometimes rushed to press withoutproper fact checking.

With that said, Fox news is a complete joke. It's like watching unintentional satire. Sometimes Jon Stewart doesn't even have to make a joke, he canjust air clips from them.

It's sad that there are a vast number of people in this country that probably don't realize this.
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

Sean is a conservative, and he knows Obama will be much harder to defeat in the general election than hitlery. He has a vested interest in derailing his campaign.

Did you fail to recognize his liberal partner on the show, Allan Combs?

. . . Was that intentional?? ANYway . . .

Just another example of the white media outlets trying to remind everyone that Obama is a black man.
Basically . . . Fox News is trying to do EVERYthing they can to bring him down . . . Thank GOD its not working . . .
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

the irony of this whole situation is that Sean will get on television and proclaim that Obama is getting a "free pass" when almost every primetime show on Fox News is overly critical of Obama.... i just don't get it.

That's what I have been saying this whole campaign. It's amazing how you can bash a dude the entirety of your show then end with, "Is it unfair he's getting a free pass because he's black," and it's not just Hannity. And Combs is a joke. It's no coincidence that Hannity is the real host/driver of the show and Combs just gets a word in every once in a while and is an old decrepit looking man and Hannity is normal looking. He is the Washignton Generals to Hannity's Harlem Globetrotters.

And like you said, he has been after Hannity for years. He literally does want to be remembered as the one who won the election for McCain, he mentioned it before that he was the first one to raise the question of Obama going to a racist church and this was WAY back, I think even before Katrina.

Fox News is amazing though, or rather the 1,000,000's who watch and believe it.

Minorities and Democrats need to create an offsetting "fair and balanced" "News" network.

Have you not watched CNN before?
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