-The major problem with minimum wage it that is not tied to inflation.
It is all well and good to tell someone that don't deserve to make more, but that is not the argument folk are really making
Saying they should be paid little is one thing, but saying they should also get a paid crap and get a pay cut every year.
-Secondly always come with the "you shouldn't get paid a decent amount for flipping burgers". We what determines a wage is a lot of things, you're suppose to get paid a lil premium if your job is unpleasant and in some way demanding. Standing over a hot grill all day is not easy work, being on feet all day dealing with ****heads is not easy work. I don't see why paying people a decent low wage for this is so unreasonable
There are a lot of low wage/minimum wage workers that work very hard.
-Just saying "oh just get a better job" is like burying your head in the sand because they think that somehow they only reason someone is poor or remains poor is their only their own doing
And with the cost of higher education going up, you're telling poor folk going into tens thousands of dollars of debt is the only way to have a decent living.
If they make so little, and have to work so much, where is the time for classes? If cheap reliable public transportation is not available, how are they gonna get there?
We love telling folk to pull themselves up by their bootstraps all the while cutting programs they can use to do so.
-And the these jobs are only for high school and college students thing is BS. First there are restrictions on the amount of time high school students can work, and with a full schedule, even part time schedule in some majors most college students
The supply of labor is just not there from those groups to fill all those positions.
And it only those two groups supplied there labor, the shortage would cause the wage to shoot up
So that argument is just plain doesn't work.
-Lets keep it #1HUNNA it is so easy to vilify the poor in this country because right now the face of the poor is minority communities.
------Set minimum wage at $10.10, tie it to inflation, and work on programs and policies that help with upward mobility
The ones that want to pull themselves up will have a chance at doing so, the ones that don't can barely scrap by.