whats stopping YOU from making a billion dollars?

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

my laziness
same here... Allways dreamed about being rich so I wouldn't have to do anything but I hate the part that I have to do something to not doanything
Originally Posted by ayoHOV

Money aint everything, and it damn sure dont by happiness.
" Money can't buy me happiness
But I'm happiest when I can buy what I want, anytime that I want
Get high when I want"

No but for real
the approximately $999,995,000.00 gap between one billion dollars and my current savings...other than that, nothing, nothing at all.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Making a billion is about luck more than anything, not talent, imagination, etc.
I'd say it's a combination of both, especially in the US. Don't tell me Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc. aren't incredibly smartand/or talented.

I see what you're saying though, there are probably a number of guys just as smart who haven't come close to a billion.
Warren Buffett hasn't died yet.

That, and I'm probably about the 100,000th person in line to be his successor.
I probably never be a billionaire. If i as making that much money, i'd definitely be giving some away
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