Whats The Dumbest Reason Your Girl Ever Got Mad At You?

My girl doesn't trip about celebs at all. I say I'd smash a different celeb damn near everyday and she just says "Shut up..." but on the realside of things, if I got a chance to...I would. She knows that.

My girl does get mad that I'm not a social person though.
looking at another girls ***...
this thread could go on forever. women are so freaking irrational sometimes. not to mention emotional.
the worst is when they come up with some irrational belief and then get all emotional about it and try to make you feel bad when there is no reason to believesomething like that in the first place.
....cuz I said ima have my daughter rockin kicks a lot...she was like what if I get her a dress...I said why not?....she was genuinely upset...likewhoa...
....be easy....
she got mad cause this girl in her dorm added me on facebook....she hit me w/ the "oh you like her dont you"....i just

she claimed she saw me looking at the waitress butt....so she got mad
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

some months ago someone posted a report about dudes getting throat cancer for eating the box, valentine's day comes around and ol' girl thinks she's getting served..............i referred her to the NT thread.

Originally Posted by Princetonchaney

4 weeks ago... Monday Night Football (im a saints fan btw)
Reggie runs one punt back TD
Next punt trips
3rd punt gone..."SEE YOU LATER!!!!!!!"
4th quarter hits her:"Babe can we watch one tree hill?
absolutely not
she leaves and is mad for like 3 days

For putting her in the camel clutch while she was sleeping.
my ex-gf got really drunk, and peed in the kitchen trash can right in front of me, and got mad cause I wouldn't clean it up, like "if you don'taccept me when i'm at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best".

One time we were at Chilis and I really wanted the chicken crispers, well she also wanted the same thing and thought I should order something else and wecould "share." I said no im ordering my chicken crispers because thats what I really want. She keeps on and on trying to get me to order somethingelse and I keep saying no. So she is looking at the menu, waiter comes and asks if we are ready to order... I say yeah and look at her and she gives me a headnod, so I say ok ill have an order of chicken crispers... waiter looks at her and she says "no im ok I wont be having anything."
So now Im getting upset because I can't believe she is getting madover this and going to sit there with "that look" on her face while I eat by myself. Waiter brings the food... I immediately ask for a to-go box...pay and bounce... take her home, and then I go home and enjoy my food
baby got mad cause i bought her her favorite sandwich but i forgot to get AVOCADO on it
getting on my case saying "you should know thisstuff"
my ex-gf got really drunk, and peed in the kitchen trash can right in front of me, and got mad cause I wouldn't clean it up, like "if you don't accept me when i'm at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best".
LOL that's just gross
-The X always use to get mad every sunday from sept.-feb. (said i ignored her all day)
-Called a girl cutie on myspace
-Every time i brought up having a 3 way
-Cuz i said my dog dont like her
-Didnt pick up my phone when certain ppl called while i was around her (she thought i was hiding something)

Theres plenty more but thats good enough 4 now

Bonus: Not the X but a chick got mad cuz i didnt kiss her after she swallowed my kids
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Because I "sound" a certain way. Even if I don't "sound" a certain way, which is like 85% of the time, it's an everyday thing wit her.
same with me and my ex.
Not answering her text/calls.

Not calling back.

Not washing my hands after i get done eating.

Wearing boxers.

So many more.. Too lazy to type.
reason why she want u to kick it wit her friends is prolly to show u off, but i don't mess wit hatin c-blockin bffs
Looking at girls butts.

Not wanting to talk on the phone with her just after I spent a day or two with her.

Sometimes I'm on the phone with her and I'm like "what?" because I didn't hear her but she takes it that I'm not listening, I justdidn't hear her! She gets butt hurt.
^ son...

i hate that they get mad you aint talking to them after you just spent the whole day with em...

There was one girl who I met a week earlier (no relationship at all) who was already complaining about how one of my best friends was a girl. OUT!
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