whats the meanest thing a girl has said or done to you?

My ex and I had been living together for about 2yrs. We were in a ruff spot. I noticed she out of no where started deep throating and gagging on my junk. I was like WTF. So, I installed a keylogger on the computer. I get access to her email. I find out she has taken a picture of her butt and sent it to her ex. See exhibit one. From the angle of the pic i knew she took it with the camera I got her for Christmas. I find it but she removed the battery but left the memory card. I put the memory stick into the PS3 and low and behold she's hugged up with some dude. My cousins girl was Guatemalan came over and noticed that the pictures were taken in Honduras. She flew from H-Town to Honduras. We break up and get back together 9mos later. Over the 9 months I learned of all what she had done before we broke up. I was so disgusted and dropped her. I learned that her ex had paid her $800 for the picture. Thats where she got the money to fly to Honduras. She had to have let him smash. She claimed that the dude in honduras tricked her into sex and that it really wasnt sex cause he barely it in before he came. There was a Columbian cat here in Houston that was breaking her off. When we got back together the keylogger was still on the computer. I accessed it and learned how much of a sleeze she really was even during the 9 mo we were apart.

I later started dating my daughters mom again but I burnt her. My ex had given me clamydia and did not know it and I gave it to my Baby Momma.

exhibit one
^^ You really just come on here and tell everyone you got clamydia?..:rofl: :rofl: :smh: :smh: :smh:
Summer squeeze sent me an email meant for her friend followed by another one saying don't read the first one.
So I open up the first one and see it all. :smh:
She told her friend she was about to break up with me once school started. She only talked to me because I looked like her ex.
I was a simp because I bought her a movie ticket and opened the door for her :rolleyes
Year later my gf at the time cell phone calls mine by accident. I'm yelling "HELLO!!!!" but nothing. So I sit and listen and I hear her whole conversation between her and her mom about me.
Found out she was talking to other dudes.
Mom was in on it.
Mom wanted her to keep on stringing me along because she could "fall back on a guy like me."
Was talking to a dude in college ( h.s. freshman at the time)
...the betrayal

I know you're not surprised though. Where you guys think nasty bird *** ******* learn to be bird *** ******* from?

I hope you know you were cupcaking wit a prostitute you should picked up ur gators check her.
When I was in the 3rd grade, I was into the girl Rachel Vines, my first crush ever. We had our tables together so we sat in groups and she sat in my group. It was the end of the day and she was playing with my Eagles Starter snapback(#swag). I decided I was going to make my move. Like a 3rd grader, I just straight up tell her I like her. Her smile turns in to a stoneface and she puts my hat down. Just then the bell rang and she bee-lined straight out of the class. I tried to talk to her bet she ignored me all the way to her bus. She got on that bus and I never saw her again.

Now, I'm pretty sure her never coming back had nothing to do with me, but , at the time, I was devastated.

She was mad you told her that you liked her right before she was about to leave. She wanted you bro :wink:
I was bit confused too. Seems he either left something out or forgot something. Maybe she told you or the class was moving and you tell her on her last day of school so it's basically irrelevant.
^^ You really just come on here and tell everyone you got clamydia?..:rofl: :rofl: :smh: :smh: :smh:
It's just chlamydia though. One trip to the free clinic and it's gone, just like gonorrhea, and syphilis. I've seen plenty NTers tell a terrible tale of being burnt by some wretched swine of a *****. You live and you learn.
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My ex and I had been living together for about 2yrs. We were in a ruff spot. I noticed she out of no where started deep throating and gagging on my junk. I was like WTF. So, I installed a keylogger on the computer. I get access to her email. I find out she has taken a picture of her butt and sent it to her ex. See exhibit one. From the angle of the pic i knew she took it with the camera I got her for Christmas. I find it but she removed the battery but left the memory card. I put the memory stick into the PS3 and low and behold she's hugged up with some dude. My cousins girl was Guatemalan came over and noticed that the pictures were taken in Honduras. She flew from H-Town to Honduras. We break up and get back together 9mos later. Over the 9 months I learned of all what she had done before we broke up. I was so disgusted and dropped her. I learned that her ex had paid her $800 for the picture. Thats where she got the money to fly to Honduras. She had to have let him smash. She claimed that the dude in honduras tricked her into sex and that it really wasnt sex cause he barely it in before he came. There was a Columbian cat here in Houston that was breaking her off. When we got back together the keylogger was still on the computer. I accessed it and learned how much of a sleeze she really was even during the 9 mo we were apart.

I later started dating my daughters mom again but I burnt her. My ex had given me clamydia and did not know it and I gave it to my Baby Momma.


I appreciate your honesty bruh.
Summer squeeze sent me an email meant for her friend followed by another one saying don't read the first one.
So I open up the first one and see it all. :smh:
She told her friend she was about to break up with me once school started. She only talked to me because I looked like her ex.
I was a simp because I bought her a movie ticket and opened the door for her :rolleyes
Year later my gf at the time cell phone calls mine by accident. I'm yelling "HELLO!!!!" but nothing. So I sit and listen and I hear her whole conversation between her and her mom about me.
Found out she was talking to other dudes.
Mom was in on it.
Mom wanted her to keep on stringing me along because she could "fall back on a guy like me."
Was talking to a dude in college ( h.s. freshman at the time)
...the betrayal

:x :smh:

I'm not even mad at my ex for breaking up with me. I just wish she did it because she was unhappy and not because her parents were getting on her case because I was Asian. I wish she showed a little more strength and character and was able to stand up to her parents. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive her for being so weak

I went through the same thing, now that I think about it that was the worse thing a chick did to me.
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When I was in the 3rd grade, I was into the girl Rachel Vines, my first crush ever. We had our tables together so we sat in groups and she sat in my group. It was the end of the day and she was playing with my Eagles Starter snapback(#swag). I decided I was going to make my move. Like a 3rd grader, I just straight up tell her I like her. Her smile turns in to a stoneface and she puts my hat down. Just then the bell rang and she bee-lined straight out of the class. I tried to talk to her bet she ignored me all the way to her bus. She got on that bus and I never saw her again.

Now, I'm pretty sure her never coming back had nothing to do with me, but , at the time, I was devastated.

She was mad you told her that you liked her right before she was about to leave. She wanted you bro :wink:
I was bit confused too. Seems he either left something out or forgot something. Maybe she told you or the class was moving and you tell her on her last day of school so it's basically irrelevant.
^^ You really just come on here and tell everyone you got clamydia?..:rofl: :rofl: :smh: :smh: :smh:
It's just chlamydia though. One trip to the free clinic and it's gone, just like gonorrhea, and syphilis. I've seen plenty NTers tell a terrible tale of being burnt by some wretched swine of a *****. You live and you learn.

My thing is, if you can get these things cleared up, why are there broads walking around just harboring the ****?

I went through the same thing, now that I think about it that was the worse thing a chick did to me.
The fact that she didn't fight for me still stings to this day. I will never forgive her for that, that's just a dirty thing to do to a person. Show some character, sheesh
I know you're not surprised though. Where you guys think nasty bird *** ******* learn to be bird *** ******* from?

My pops always would tell me to look at the mother because that's what I'm gonna be dealing with in the future but worse.

When it all unfolded I had a weebay moment.

Dating has pretty much been a dirty game ever since for me. Especially with the moms playing puppet master behind the scenes.

I sometimes wish I was one of those forbidden to have a relationship till I was 18 or college or something.

At times I think I wasted a lot of time and could have save myself so much drama, then at others I feel like I needed that to happen to me.

Sometimes I wanna just be like Prince of Zamunda and go somewhere and genuinely meet somebody without all the extra presumptions and charades.
Ok All the ******* was on my meatin high school, but i ain't really put work in till 10th grade... So I'm in my sophomore year..I start getting wit this lil skeezer, she slept over my house, n I was so drunk i passed out...come to find out my brother who's a senior smashed..I was so mad I punched my groin the mouth... ( lil bro status) he would never hit me back :rolin
So since then , I treat ***** as ***** and I just **** em down...I was mad at my bro but , that opened up the door 2 us sharin *******...wit the crew too...
But I was just nieeve...at a young age, he warned me she was a **** but aint have to smamg while I was wither.. That's the grime sty thing ever done to me by a girl, but mybro in n piura jail the last 5 years so that hurts me..because we did dirt together. Had ez bothers back withe the parents... 2 bad he hat to go a 18 month church program I. Maine, n I'm in jersey...s never see him, but guarentee if thru not my wife I'll pass her off to my bro. We got lt like that
My thing is, if you can get these things cleared up, why are there broads walking around just harboring the ****?

As much as men lust over women, some of these women are filthy creatures.

I used to date this chick in nursing school and she would always go off on tangents.

Anyway we got to talking about our fun parts and she basically breaks it down to why men have it easier than women. Saying that being a woman is like walking around with an internal organ on the outside and requires extra maintenance. And with her nasty roommate she would always talk about how a nasty dirty chick translates to a filthy germ infested cauldron.. :x @ the imagery

I know it was like some kind of mind game to keep my eyes off her roommate, but it stuck with me.

Like I might be dropping my spoon in that green stuff in the OG Mortal Kombat level.

The fact that she didn't fight for me still stings to this day. I will never forgive her for that, that's just a dirty thing to do to a person. Show some character, sheesh


Like I might be dropping my spoon in that green stuff in the OG Mortal Kombat level.

So you saying shorty had that Baracka?
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saw screenshots of some dude and my ex of 4 years telling each other they loved each other.

we were long-distance for the whole 4 years 
one time my bird ex and i were arguing about something, like she made me listen to that rapper with no teeth and long hair from detroit, iono his name some gayass chihuahua face crack head and i started laughing at her then i got mad at her for making me listen to that garbage and she got all defensive about how i "hate" on everything she likes
long story short she started dissing my dog. (my pet) i know it doesnt seem like a big deal but u dont diss a man's dog that's family plus my dog is my workout partner we run together and hike and all this other bonding sht plus i just lost my other dog last year so dogs in general are a sensitive spot pause 
my ex was an idiot 

Youre talking about Danny Brown. Do you even listen to music or just skim through it?

He's pretty good, better than a lot of whats out today.
In 6th Grade I actually like a girl like she lived like 3 doors down and all she was my *clears throat* bae.

We use to hang out everyday and all that ****. No yambz I wasn't thinking about it like I should've been,

but long story short she ended up texting my best friend that sweet talk about how she always liked him and ****. Him being my boy

told me like the next day.

In 11th Grade I had this female that was chill as ****, down to **** anytime right. So I made her my main ***** and it was senior skip day I was a junior and didnt whatever.

She did long story short again this greasy ***** invited  6 different boys to her house stupid ***** must've forgot she invited my bestfriends they let me know like right when it happened.

In 12th Grade couple days before the big homecoming game. I played DB and the same ex from 11th Grade was ****** with me on some cleveland bus driver type **** and she hit me in the nuts hard af so I uppercutted her *** jk I slapped her made her pimples pop. We could've just got in school suspension but this stupid ***** decided to go the extra mile to get me and her suspended until game which I still played but still. Come to find out her dad called me and said he was sorry for what happened and he told me how he beat her silly I should've told him how she ****** me over in the 11th but I aint want to be a ***** about it.

My thing is, if you can get these things cleared up, why are there broads walking around just harboring the ****?
Some girls genuinely don't know they have it. The symptoms don't instantly kick in the next day. Plus you got add in the early symptoms of anything when you get sick, you don't immediately realize you're sick and go to the doctor. Then as it goes on ppl lie to themselves thinking it'll go away on it's own. People simply do not take their health as seriously as they should all of the time. A whole more insecurity and apprehensiveness about going and other idiocy about being embarrassed will kick in.

I wish more ppl were paranoid about it at least. I thought I had something one time and I was in the doctor's office pants down.

Then you got these broads out here who do it on purpose cuz they're wretched skip skop scallywag swine.

Plus what Wr said, some girls are just nasty, they live in filth and enjoy it.

:rofl: @ the mortal kombat reference.
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Ok All the ******* was on my meatin high school, but i ain't really put work in till 10th grade... So I'm in my sophomore year..I start getting wit this lil skeezer, she slept over my house, n I was so drunk i passed out...come to find out my brother who's a senior smashed..I was so mad I punched my groin the mouth... ( lil bro status) he would never hit me back :rolin
So since then , I treat ***** as ***** and I just **** em down...I was mad at my bro but , that opened up the door 2 us sharin *******...wit the crew too...
But I was just nieeve...at a young age, he warned me she was a **** but aint have to smamg while I was wither.. That's the grime sty thing ever done to me by a girl, but mybro in n piura jail the last 5 years so that hurts me..because we did dirt together. Had ez bothers back withe the parents... 2 bad he hat to go a 18 month church program I. Maine, n I'm in jersey...s never see him, but guarentee if thru not my wife I'll pass her off to my bro. We got lt like that

That T-Mac gif :smokin

Girl saying something about your D :smh:

"Are you in or what?" That's got to hurt :smh:
Taken from the same thread on BB
"I got sick and had the flu one time and my GF came over to see me.
She baked me brownies and brought over a simpsons VHS she had recorded little treehouse of horrors.
We watched it together and ate a few brownies.
Eventual she got up and left. I walked her out and went back in my room to finish the show.
Right before the show ended the tape cut to something horrible.
It showed my GF giving a guy a bj.
She lifted her head off him and spit the *** in a bowl of what appeared to be brownie mix.
She began mixing the *** in and said "sorry hun I found someone who can satisfy me better than you. Goodbye"
My fear of the women mind now increases... 
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