What's the most broke you've ever been?

0 in the account & rent due
No license & no gas

I don't know how I made it through some of these predicaments

I been barely scraping by for years. Use to it. Born in it. Finally made it through.

If you're going through hell keep going, everything has to have an end.
After i quit working at ups cause the manager refused to give me hours after working there for 11 months

Full time student but man i had credit card debt. 600. Plus i had like 200 in my account and a phone bill due

Idk how i managed for 3 months without a job

Hard times fr
I'm 30 years old with a $2,500 mortgage. Last year I had two businesses fail, one of which I invested all my money into and wasn't supposed to fail. I slipped into a deep depression in the fall and winter. I had $10 to my name, and $40k in debt. I had a breakdown and was days away from bankruptcy. At my lowest point, my credit card declined when I tried to pay $2.50 train fare. I had to call my friend and ask him to transfer me $50. Two days later, I took that $10 and bought a domain and started an ecommerce store. Within one month I was debt free. It's been 5 months now and the store is doing 6 figures a week.
Good job fella. I don't get your statement that your business wasn't supposed to fail. Nobody wants to fail but you shouldve understood that anything can happen. Reason why you dont invest all your money into just one thing. Business 101. Glad you doing better.
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