Whats Wrong with Stephen Curry?

Originally Posted by KenJi714

SC for Sasha
Do it Mitch
SC isnt very good. I didnt say he was god awful. I know there are salary contraints with trades in the NBA, and the Warriors have about 6healthy players, but I wouldnt trade a folding chair for Sasha.
give him time. hes only played 19 games so far, some of yall to critical. this is coming from some one who bashed Curry when playing in college
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

hes on my fantasy team

I drafted Griffen pretty high

& Oden

& CP3
who miss alot of games ; So i have a injury ridden team
But good thing i drafted Jennings over Curry with my last pick
Even though he gets a lot of PT, he does play next to Ellis who scores in bunches and handles the ball and creates his own shots and sometimes plays 48 minutesa game. Plus didn't Ellis complain how he can't play with Curry if Curry gets to carry the ball majority of the time? I think I read that somewhere. Ithink if he switched places with Jennings, he might be getting more points and assist than he is now, probably won't have a 55 point game though but hisaverages would be higher than it is right now.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Knicks fans: what is up with Jordan Hill?

riding the bench along with darko, nate, curry, landry, and in a way, jefferies.
lets not turn this into an fantasy thread guys
just wait until they play the raptors.

if jj can hang 20+ on them twice then steph is dropping at least half a c-note.

even if he flames out after just one season it wont change the fact that he's one of my favourite college players ever.

and that's only possible because he didnt georgetown the Jayhawks in 08.

Originally Posted by RFX45

Even though he gets a lot of PT, he does play next to Ellis who scores in bunches and handles the ball and creates his own shots and sometimes plays 48 minutes a game. Plus didn't Ellis complain how he can't play with Curry if Curry gets to carry the ball majority of the time? I think I read that somewhere. I think if he switched places with Jennings, he might be getting more points and assist than he is now, probably won't have a 55 point game though but his averages would be higher than it is right now.

I respectfully disagree with you, RFX. I've watched all but 2-3 Warriors games and I can tell you that if you put Curry on any other team, there would notbe a huge increase in his scoring totals. He is getting a sufficient amount of open looks in the Warriors wide open offense and he is just not hitting hisshots.
He's a RoOk, give him some time for crying out loud. Mofos so quick to come to conclusions
You can tell he is going to be Good. Maybe even great. You gotta understand that the warriors have tons of scorers, so his scoring isn't really needed thatmuch. He has PG skills and courtvision, but his passes are a little soft and they keep getting picked off. Also Monta plays the PG half the time, and now CJwatson does too, so currys role is still pretty small. Hell be fine
Guys all im saying is he's been in a slump so far & i was really asking wussup with him because i haven't heard of him lately.
this guy is in a worse situation than Curry


fighting minutes with Miller,Blake and Roy = get the hell out of there.
he is playing fairly well. he is not living up to niketalk's expectations because he has to play next to monta. every rookie in this class would behindered by monta's ability to dominate the ball. he will be a solid starter in this league. he can still shoot the hell out of the ball. it takes sometime to get adjusted to nba length and athleticism. this is totally unrelated to the topic of steph curry, but i don't know why every rookie thread brandonjennings' name is brought up. at the end of the season he will be shooting 38% and be turning the ball over at a high rate. dispite his scoring outburts hestill has a lot things to work on. tyreke evans will be the best player from this class. maybe i should get a blog...getting back to topic let steph just playthe game.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

this guy is in a worse situation than Curry


fighting minutes with Miller,Blake and Roy = get the hell out of there.

Dude is going to go to a team and BEAST. Bayless is the truth watch.
I dont EVERYONE is supposed to be a star as a Rookie in the League... and Dude can def. use a Weight Program. His small body def. aint use to these games nightin and out.

Players who are MUCH bigger than Curry hit walls and go thru foot fatigue and much more.. so I am sure he is up against that right about now.
he needs to run along side a true PG,

its a gd thing the warriors have so many on IR

or else him, randolph, and morrow would be rotting on the


Don Nelson FTL
In the game after this thread was posted, Curry gets a career high 22 on 9/14 fg's
. First Monta now this. It can't be a coincidence.
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