whats your biggest fear ?

jordan fetish

May 17, 2006
idk why but im absolutely TERRIFIED of zombies. There are nights i cant sleep.... for example tonight
. I always try to come up with " escape plans", but then i always giveup and decide i wouldnt make it
i'm sorry but

i'm afraid of the dark...because if you can't see and everything youre really vulnerable
Originally Posted by JoRdAn fEtIsH

idk why but im absolutely TERRIFIED of zombies. There are nights i cant sleep.... for example tonight
. I always try to come up with " escape plans", but then i always give up and decide i wouldnt make it

Not judgin, but thats crazy fam

My worst fear, unfortunately, is rejection. I walk away from potential relationships instead of putting myself out there and giving it a shot
Originally Posted by JoRdAn fEtIsH

idk why but im absolutely TERRIFIED of zombies. There are nights i cant sleep.... for example tonight
. I always try to come up with " escape plans", but then i always give up and decide i wouldnt make it

Me too. Zombies are my worst fear lol.
I've always been afraid of not being there to save the day when some mediocre chick gets attacked by zombies
I'm scared of the Invisible man. To think he could be here right now watching me type, plotting on me and YOU CAN'T SEE HIM!

dying in a car accident on the highway...there are days i get on to go to work and think 'today is the day'

its really bad to the point where when i get ready to go on long trips i feel like im about to cry

i was suppose to go to NY w/my bf this weekend but i got sick friday and used that as kind of an excuse not to go cuz he was driving...i was scared all week ofriding in the car...
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

dying in a car accident on the highway...there are days i get on to go to work and think 'today is the day'

its really bad to the point where when i get ready to go on long trips i feel like im about to cry

i was suppose to go to NY w/my bf this weekend but i got sick friday and used that as kind of an excuse not to go cuz he was driving...i was scared all week of riding in the car...
Wow... Hope you feel better Mouse.

My biggest fear is of God Himself / the Trinity. I'm in awe and will always be loyal to Him because for all the traumatic events I've been through upto this point in my life, there was always someway or something to get me out of them in one piece. Everything else is whatever when it comes to fears. Ijust pray each day that I live a full life and can work to my fullest potential.
shortydoowopp wrote:
dying in a car accident on the highway...there are days i get on to go to work and think 'today is the day'

its really bad to the point where when i get ready to go on long trips i feel like im about to cry

i was suppose to go to NY w/my bf this weekend but i got sick friday and used that as kind of an excuse not to go cuz he was driving...i was scared all week of riding in the car...
Don't do that to yourself.
I swear if you think of something long enough it will eventually happen.
My biggest fear is already an reality.
Higher beings with wrong intentions in control.
- Not being successful in life as a whole.
- Losing those closest to me.
- A repeat of last year. The worst year of my life.
My deepest fear is not that I am inadequate. My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure. It is my light, not my darkness that most frightens me. Iask myself, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who am I not to be? I am a child of God. Me playing small does not serve theworld. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around me. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We wereborn to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, weunconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
I'm afraid of spiders...like I jump outta the chair and start throwing everything near me at it! The bigger the scarier.
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