whats your biggest fear ?

Not being able to see my kid succeed
Not being happy with my job and money in the future
Watching all my friends surpass me while I'm left behind
Getting into a bad car accident
Realizing I never did the best I could when I look back on my life




Claustrophobia FTL
spiders, snakes, etc. all the norm
being OD unhealthy when im older
not being succesful at life at all
living a lonely life and not a fulfilling one
It would be a close Search and Destroy match in Call of Duty 4.. I'm the last guy against three opponents on a tied, 3-3 round. I have my M4 Carbine withRed Dot attachment, and I see all 3 opponents at bomb site A getting ready to plant the bomb. One runs up to the objective and starts planting, while theother two are jumping around him because they think they are going to win soon. I throw a flash grenade to blind all three and then aim down the scope of myM4.. then my connection gets interrupted.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

being alone in life
same here except I'm afraid of failing in life and being all alone while I'm failing/at the bottom
Originally Posted by JoRdAn fEtIsH

idk why but im absolutely TERRIFIED of zombies. There are nights i cant sleep.... for example tonight
. I always try to come up with " escape plans", but then i always give up and decide i wouldnt make it

My absolute biggest fear.
not being successfull and for a loved one too leave me. thats mostly the reason i dont like being attached to people besides my family... im scared ofrelationships
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