Whats your favorite stlye of Air Maxes that has ever released?

My mind jumped to '98s as well! Love these! Bring these back.

I cant choose between my 2004SLs n my Air Max 2006s. Most comfortable shoes i have ever worn in my life  
i had those the yellow and grey air max 98s back in the day .

joints was fire id like to see alot of the other maxs make a come back .
some cool stuff posted in this thread.  94's, 98's, 97 II-S, AM deluxe, all very dope. 

also, I think somebody posted a pic of some fakes, smh...  hopefully I'm wrong. 

anyway, my favorite is the Air Burst. 

my homeboy Cleveland222's burst collection:

some of mine:



I'm also a big fan of the Alpha Project Air Max collaborations.
I used to love 95's, but they feel so uncomfortable now I don't even buy them anymore. I'll go with the AM 1.
for running:
neon 95s (OGs, not this crap they put out now)
air bursts
air max2s
air max tailwinds
air max plus 1s & 2s (why did I have to beat em like crap?)  

for b-ball/training:
air max tempos
air max2 uptempos
air more uptempos
air max2 cb
air force max
air griffey max 2s
air DT max
air trainer max2
air trainer max 93s
penny 2s
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