What's your favourite color of shoe?

Mar 16, 2008
White or Black? I personally like white cause it just looks so fresh on.
color? black and white? i like red or green. red on my ball kicks green on my casual shoes
black always looks fresh if you take care of them
but white only looks fresh for a couple of months cuz they are harder to take care of
word to motorsports colorways, pennys, etc. Any shoe really with white, black and blue =
For base color it really depends on the design and material as well. IMO White/college blue-black XVIIs look a lot better than black/black-metallic silverXVIIs but Black/silver-lapis Shox BB4s look a lot better than the White/black-metallic silver BB4s.

For accent color it's gotta be: University Blue then college blue as a close second.
my top

1 - white/black and a touch of purple.

2 - white/ black and red

3 - white/ royal blue

4 - black/ white and red

5 - black and red

gucci colored theme. depends on the shoe and color placement.
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