What's your height/age and when did you stop growing?

6'3, 23y/o

Grew an inch in height and a full shoe size last year.
I'm 18 and 6'2", but I've been 6' since practically 6th-7th grade. I thought I was gonna get to atleast 6'4"
22, 5'11"
stopped growing when i was 13...then everyone else caught up to me. everyone swore i was going to be super tall. genes FTL
17, 6'1 Thing is part of me wants to grow a bit more taller because at school there are kids in younger grades that are taller than me but when I'moutside of school I feel alot more taller
Im about 6'1 , 20 years old

Is there any any to promote growth to hopefully nab a few extra inches?
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