What's Your Opinion On Herbal Healing????

Sep 9, 2005
Yay Or Nay?? "
".. literally

Do you smoke??

If not, why not... Give ya real opinion

Do you believe it inhances spirituality?? Kills braincells?? Takes mind off stress?? Helps you focus?? etc...

Pros?? ... Cons?? Go..
Why not?

God says we can

Genesis 1:29 - "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every treethat has fruit with seed in it."

Im not religious though, but thats a reason for all the beleivers..
Originally Posted by RobAF1

Why not?

God says we can

Genesis 1:29 - "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it."

Im not religious though, but thats a reason for all the believers..

im not religious eitha and when Christians start to hate on my daily burning i usually direct them to that verse
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc


This how you got 5922 posts??? Give something useful to the conversation like an adult. Thanks..
Originally Posted by MJROCCIN45

Dead Stokc wrote:


This how you got 5922 posts??? Give something useful to the conversation like an adult. Thanks..

*cracks knuckles*
I usually do not correlate a religious connection with the use of marijuana,
but steming from a Jamaican background I can see the connection between
the 2, as I have once sat down and smoked while trying to decipher religious
beliefs. As it helps to extend the thinking process, it allows you to dive into
a different realm ofthinking so to speak.

I smoked from ages 11-22, and I am now 26. I quit, becuase it made feel sluggish
& lazy, and it didnt help me to focus at all, not to mention the money wasted. It is
a great stress reliever, but there are plenty of ways to relieve stress, that doesnt
involve damaging ur body. I do believe it damages ur lungs as well as braincells, but
isnt as harmful a chemical as many other drugs, specifically man made drugs. I think
is of great theraputic use to those with illnesses such as cancer etc.
this dude didnt even get salty, just came back with a serious post and in turn, made a funny lololol ... but on the real i tried to vape some spearmint theother day and it didnt really work ... i need to step up my vap level games ...
His first post was pointless... It needed to be said. Never been much of one to my toungue..
nah doing drugs is just lame. point blank. i do NOT puff puff.. havent even put a blunt/ciggerette in my mouth

Not really everyday, maybe 2-3 times a week, depending on the cash situation.

Different bud gives me wayyyy different highs..

Low grade stuff, IMO, seems to bring headaches on hardcore, and I usually have some pain in my legs, with crap weed, it seems to intensify the pain. Whichmeans I can't smoke low grade bud.

The dank stuff I get always leaves me with a nice, clean head high.

PS, Bongs/Vapes only for me
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

nah doing drugs is just lame. point blank. i do NOT puff puff.. havent even put a blunt/ciggerette in my mouth

your right drugs are lame but marijuana isnt a drug
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